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Application of the CRM concepts in the analysis (Delhi Metro Case)

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Read the case attached and refer to case with pictures, if possible.

1) What is the company's CRM strategy? And how are they implementing it?
2) Define the customer segments - which is more profitable and why?
3) How is the company achieving (or not) customer acquisition, retention, loyalty? What customers are they specifically not targeting and why?
4) What is meant by "customer delight" and how is the company achieving it, or not achieving it?
5) Is the use of CRM a competitive advantage for the company? How and why? What activities and processes are they putting in place to achieve this? How can they maintain it?

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$ 80.00

[Solved] Application of the CRM concepts in the analysis (Delhi Metro Case)

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  • Submitted On 13 Apr, 2018 10:41:23
Answer posted by
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Application of the CRM concepts - (Delhi Metro Case) 1) What is the company's CRM strategy? And how are they implementing it? CRM is a synonymous word in the modern day business that refers to the collectivity of the specific processes and systems established or installed by a business entity to support its efforts towards the creation of long-term links with its clients to maintain sustainable success (Ling & Yen, 2016). As such, it is always critical for a business to adopt an appropriate and robust CRM strategy that will increase its cust...
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