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Assess the main steps involved in dev

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Assess the main steps involved in developing an effective strategic plan. Discuss how the steps may differ for a health care organization compared to another industry. Evaluate the key factors involved in SHEEPED (socioeconomic factors, health care resources and utilization, epidemiological factors, economic factors, political factors, environmental factors, and demographic factors) and their important role in strategic planning. Discuss why it is important for one to consider and include each factor.Assess the main steps involved in developing an effective strategic plan. Discuss how the steps may differ for a health care organization compared to another industry. Evaluate the key factors involved in SHEEPED (socioeconomic factors, health care resources and utilization, epidemiological factors, economic factors, political factors, environmental factors, and demographic factors) and their important role in strategic planning. Discuss why it is important for one to consider and include each factor.

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[Solved] Assess the main steps involved in dev

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  • Submitted On 03 Nov, 2017 04:09:07
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Assess the main steps involved in developing an effec...
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