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Cja 354 week 1 individual assignment - criminal law ‎evaluation

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Week One Individual Assignment

Criminal Law Evaluation Paper

Prepare a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you address all of the following items: Examine the sources and purposes of criminal law. Identify and explain jurisdiction to create and enforce criminal law. Discuss the adversarial system and standards of proof in criminal cases. Discuss and differentiate the concepts of criminal liability and accomplice liability. Define 3 types of inchoate offenses (e.g., Solicitation, conspiracy, and attempt) AND link them to elements of one specific crime (ie, burglary or murder), with hypothetical examples of each. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

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[Solved] Cja 354 week 1 individual assignment - criminal law ‎evaluation

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  • Submitted On 04 Feb, 2015 04:47:55
Answer posted by
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Criminal Law Evaluation Paper

The sources and purposes of criminal law is to serve and ensure society. The motivation behind the criminal law is to guide residents to take after rules and regulations that will offer request to society. These rules and regulations will attempt to cutoff society's activities that will result in damage to each other subject or property. The criminal law if damaged will give discipline, authorizations and punishments. There are three essential wellsprings of criminal law in our criminal equity framework. Basic law, Criminal Statutes and Model Penal Code .Common law is a customary law of a zone or locale made by judges from individual cases and debate. Basic law changes with time and because of society changes also.

Criminal statues serve for retaliation, discouragement, recovery and security. The explanation behind these activities fills different needs for the exploited person and the litigant. Reprisal serves the exploited person as a demonstration of reimbursing or repairing something that has been harmed to property or individual wounds done to the victimized person for therapeutic costs and trouble. Prevention is an objective of the criminal equity sentencing that tries to hinder criminal conduct through the dread of discipline. (Schmalleger, F., 2009, pg.374). Prevention shows societies that demonstrate abnormalities do have outcomes and they will more improbable perpetrate law violations due to the alarm of discipline that originates from it. Recovery is utilized as a part of point of view to curing a guilty party of his or her criminal propensities, identity, attempting to change their propensities. Insurance would incorporate detainment in a correctional facility or jail. Imprisons just hold guilty parties up to a year, while detainment facilities...

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