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Appendix N ENG/102 Version 4 | Scored 100%

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Appendix N


Peer Review Checklist*


What is the main point of this paper?






What is the greatest strength of this paper? Explain your answer.






What material does not seem to fit the main point of the paper or does not seem to be appropriate for the audience? Explain your answer.






Has the author sufficiently addressed counterarguments? Explain your answer.






Where should the author add more details or examples? Explain your answer.






Where is the writing unclear or vague? Explain your answer.






What is your favorite part of this piece of writing? Explain your answer.






What other comments can you provide for the author?







*Adapted from Reinking, J. A., Hart, A. W., & Von der Osten, R. (2003). Strategies for successful writing: A rhetoric, research guide, reader, and handbook (6th ed.). Boston: Prentice-Hall/Pearson Custom Publishing.


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$ 9.00

[Solved] Appendix N ENG/102 Version 4 | Scored 100%

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  • Submitted On 25 Dec, 2014 09:07:35
Answer posted by
Online Tutor Profile

The greatest strength of this paper is a clear thesis, which gives the readers a precise idea that they are going to read about whe...

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