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Recommendations from the SWOT an

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Recommendations from the SWOT analysis of TNX

You should provide enough details on how your recommendations will be implemented (convincing that it can

be done), and what the likely outcomes are (such as an increase in profitability, or brand recognition or

improvement in whatever challenge you identified).

· Remember to be reasonable. Provide working 6 months, 1 year, 2 years milestones, etc. Don’t make wild or

unsupported claims (e.g. 100% improvement will occur in 10 years when you really have no idea what will

happen in 10 years, and can’t guarantee 100% improvement etc.).

· Last, but not least, have a contingency plan, that is, have alternatives, or additional steps the company can take

if the plan isn’t working.

Please cite sources APA style. Page limit 5-8 pages double space

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$ 10.00

[Solved] Recommendations from the SWOT an

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  • Submitted On 16 Jan, 2016 07:07:49
Answer posted by
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