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Investigate a professional journal in the field of fire prevention

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Introduction to Fire Prevention

article critque
The purpose of this assignment is to investigate a professional journal in the field of fire prevention that interests you. The objective of your critique is to find an article and compare the information in the article to what you have been learning in class. Critique the article in terms of how the information within the article supports or disproves material that you have learned in this course. Please include the following topics in your critique of the selected article:

a brief introduction and overview of the article,

 a description of how the article either supports or disproves material in the course,

 your point of view, and

 a summarization of your thoughts and suggestions in support of your opinion.

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$ 10.00

[Solved] investigate a professional journal in the field of fire prevention

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  • Submitted On 04 Jan, 2016 07:59:28
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investigate a professional journa...
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