Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support Exam Version B With Complete Solutions
- From Health Care, Nursing
- Emmaculate
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Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support Exam Version B With Complete Solutions
Total Questions= 50
American Heart Association
Please do not mark on this exam. Record the best answer on the separate answer sheet.
1. Which condition is an indication to stop or withhold resuscitative efforts?
A. Unwitnessed arrest
B. Safety threat to providers
C. Patient age greater than 85 years
D. No return of spontaneous circulation after 10 minutes of CPR
2. What should be done to minimize interruptions in chest compressions during CPR?
A. Perform pulse checks only after defibrillation.
B. Continue CPR while the defibrillator is charging.
C. Administer IV medications only when breaths are given.
D. Continue to use AED even after the arrival of a manual defibrillator.
3. After verifying the absence of a pulse, you initiate CPR with adequate bag-mask ventilation. The patient’s lead II ECG appears below. What is your next action?
A. IV or IO access
B. Endotracheal tube placement
C. Consultation with cardiology for possible PCI
D. Application of a transcutaneous pacemaker
4. After verifying unresponsiveness and abnormal breathing, you activate the emergency response team. What is your next action?
A. Retrieve an AED.
B. Check for a pulse.
C. Deliver 2 rescue breaths.
D. Administer a precordial thump.
5. What is the recommendation on the use of cricoid pressure to prevent aspiration during cardiac arrest?
A. Not recommended for routine use
B. Recommended during every resuscitation attempt
C. Recommended when the patient is vomiting
D. Recommended only for supraglottic airway insertion
6. What survival advantages does CPR provide to a patient in ventricular fibrillation?
A. Increases the defibrillation threshold
B. Directly restores an organized rhythm
C. Opposes the harmful effects of epinephrine
D. Produces a small amount of blood flow to the heart
7. What is the recommended compression rate for performing CPR?
A. 60 to 80 per minute
B. 80 to 100 per minute
C. About 100 per minute
D. At least 100 per minute
[Solved] Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support Exam Version B With Complete Solutions
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- Submitted On 19 Mar, 2024 12:28:50
- Emmaculate
- Rating : 0
- Grade : No Rating
- Questions : 0
- Solutions : 365
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- Earned : $0.00