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An unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP) reports that a client's right hand and fingers spasms when taking the blood pressure using the same arm. After confirming the presence of spams what action should the nurse take? Ask the UAP to take the blood pressure in the other arm Tell the UAP to use a different sphygmomanometer. Review the client's serum calcium level Administer PRN antianxiety medication. (ANS- Review the client's serum calcium level Rationale: Trousseau's sign is indicated by spasms in the distal portion of an extremity that is being used to measure blood pressure and is caused by hypocalcemia (normal level 9.0-10.5 mg/dl, so C should be implemented. A 56-years-old man shares with the nurse that he is having difficulty making decision about terminating life support for his wife. What is the best initial action by the nurse? Provide an opportunity for him to clarify his values related to the decision Encourage him to share memories about his life with his wife and family Advise him to seek several opinions before making decision Offer to contact the hospital chaplain or social worker to offer support. (ANSProvide an opportunity for him to clarify his values related to the decision Rationale: When a client is faced with a decisional conflict, the nurse should first provide opportunities for the client to clarify values important in the decision. The rest may also be beneficial once the client as clarified the values that are important to him in the decision-making process. A client is being discharged home after being treated for heart failure (HF). What instruction should the nurse include in this client's discharge teaching plan? Weigh every morning Eat a high protein diet Perform range of motion exercises Limit fluid intake to 1,500 ml daily (ANS- Weigh every morning A woman just learned that she was infected with Heliobacter pylori. Based on this finding, which health promotion practice should the nurse suggest? (ANSEncourage screening for a peptic ulcer A client who recently underwent a tracheostomy is being prepared for discharge to home. Which instructions is most important for the nurse to include in the discharge plan? (ANS- Teach tracheal suctioning techniques A child with heart failure is receiving the diuretic furosemide (Lasix) and has serum potassium level 3.0 mEq/L. Which assessment is most important for the nurse to obtain? Cardiac rhythm and heart rate. Daily intake of foods rich in potassium. Hourly urinary output Thirst and skin turgor. (ANS- Cardiac rhythm and heart rate. The nurse notes a depressed female client has been more withdrawn and noncommunicative during the past two weeks. Which intervention is most important to include in the updated plan of care for this client? Encourage the client's family to visit more often Schedule a daily conference with the social worker Encourage the client to participate in group activities Engage the client in a non-threatening conversation. (ANS- Engage the client in a non-threatening conversation. Rationale: Consistent attempts to draw the client into conversations which focus on non-threatening subjects can be an effective means of eliciting a response, thereby decreasing isolation behaviors. There is not sufficient data to support the effectiveness of A as an intervention for this client. Although B may be indicated, nursing interventions can also be used to treat this client. C is too threatening to this client. A client with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) starts a new prescription of etanercept (Enbrel) subcutaneously once weekly. The nurse should emphasize the importance of reporting problem to the healthcare provider? Headache Joint stiffness Persistent fever Increase hunger and thirst (ANS- Persistent fever Rationale: Enbrel decrease immune and inflammatory responses, increasing the client's risk of serious infection, so the client should be instructed to report a persistent fever, or other signs of infection to the healthcare provider. The nurse is assessing an older adult with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Which assessment finding indicates that the client understands long- term control of diabetes? The fasting blood sugar was 120 mg/dl this morning. Urine ketones have been negative for the past 6 months The hemoglobin A1C was 6.5g/100 ml last week No diabetic ketoacidosis has occurred in 6 months. (ANS- The hemoglobin A1C was 6.5g/100 ml last week Rationale: A hemoglobin A1C level reflects the average blood sugar the client had over the previous 2 to 3 month, and level of 6.5 g/100 ml suggest that the client understand long-term diabetes control. The normal value in a diabetic patient is up to 6.5 g/100 ml. An older male client is admitted with the medical diagnosis of possible cerebral vascular accident (CVA). He has facial paralysis and cannot move his left side. When entering the room, the nurse finds the client's wife tearful and trying unsuccessfully to give him a drink of water. What action should the nurse take? (ANS- Ask the wife to stop and assess the client's swallowing reflex A 13 years-old client with non-union of a comminuted fracture of the tibia is admitted with osteomyelitis. The healthcare provider collects home aspirate specimens for culture and sensitivity and applies a cast to the adolescent's lower leg. What action should the nurse implement next? Administer antiemetic agents Bivalve the cast for distal compromise Provide high- calorie, high-protein diet Begin parenteral antibiotic therapy (ANS- Begin parenteral antibiotic therapy Rationale: The standard of treatment for osteomyelitis is antibiotic therapy and immobilization. After bond and blood aspirate specimens are obtained for culture and sensitivity, the nurse should initiate parenteral antibiotics as prescribed. The nurse is preparing a community education program on osteoporosis. Which instruction is helpful in preventing bone loss and promoting bone formation? (ANS- Recommend weigh bearing physical activity A client with a history of chronic pain requests a nonopioid analgesic. The client is alert but has difficulty describing the exact nature and location of the pain to the nurse. What action should the nurse implement next? (ANS- Administer the analgesic as requested

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  • Submitted On 14 Feb, 2024 02:01:09
Answer posted by
Online Tutor Profile
An unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP) reports that a client's right hand and fingers spasms when taking the blood pressure using the same arm. After confirming the presence of spams what action should the nurse take? Ask the UAP to take the blood pressure in the other arm Tell the UAP to use a different sphygmomanometer. Review the client's serum calcium level Administer PRN antianxiety medication. (ANS- Review the client's serum calcium level Rationale: Trousseau's sign is indicated by spasms in the distal portion of an extremity that is being used to measure blood pressure and is caused by hypocalcemia (normal level 9.0-10.5 mg/dl, so C should be implemented. A 56-years-old man shares with the nurse that he is having difficulty making decision about terminating life support for his wife. What is the best initial action by the nurse? Provide an opportunity for him to clarify his values related to the decision Encourage him to share memories about his life with his wife and family Advise him to seek several opinions before making decision Offer to contact the hospital chaplain or social worker to offer support. (ANSProvide an opportunity for him to clarify his values related to the decision Rationale: When a client is faced with a decisional conflict, the nurse should first provide opportunities for the client to clarify values important in the decision. The rest may also be beneficial once the client as clarified the values that are important to him in the decision-making process. A client is being discharged home after being treated...
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