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List and explain each in detail th

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List and explain each in detail the six types of modern day estates in real property. Remember to give details on each and a proper Bluebook citation to your reference. This is an essay not a short answer question!


a. Define what a deed is and explain in detail the three types commonly used as well as the basic requirements of a deed.


b. Define what a promissary note is, the parties to it and for what purpose it is used in detail.

List and explain each in detail the six types of modern day estates in real property. Remember to give details on each and a proper Bluebook citation to your reference. This is an essay not a short answer question!


a. Define what a deed is and explain in detail the three types commonly used as well as the basic requirements of a deed.


b. Define what a promissary note is, the parties to it and for what purpose it is used in detail.

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$ 5.00

[Solved] List and explain each in detail th

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  • Submitted On 28 Nov, 2015 03:35:11
Answer posted by
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