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Developing the Forensics, Continuity, Incident Management, and Security Training Capacities

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Online Tutor Profile

Download and read the following articles available in the ACM Digital Library:

Arduini, F., & Morabito, V. (2010, March). Business continuity and the banking industry. Communications of the ACM, 53(3), 121-125 

Dahbur, K., & Mohammad, B. (2011). The anti-forensics challenge. Proceedings from ISWSA '11: International Conference on Intelligent Semantic Web-Services and Applications. Amman, Jordan. 

Write a five to seven (5-7) page paper in which you:

1. Consider that Data Security and Policy Assurance methods are important to the overall success of IT and Corporate data security.

     a. Determine how defined roles of technology, people, and processes are necessary to ensure resource allocation for business 


     b. Explain how computer security policies and data retention policies help maintain user expectations of levels of business 

         continuity that could be achieved.

     c. Determine how acceptable use policies, remote access policies, and email policies could help minimize any anti-forensics  

         efforts. Give an example with your response.

2. Suggest at least two (2) models that could be used to ensure business continuity and ensure the integrity of corporate forensic   

    efforts. Describe how these could be implemented.

3. Explain the essentials of defining a digital forensics process and provide two (2) examples on how a forensic recovery and analysis 

    plan could assist in improving the Recovery Time Objective (RTO) as described in the first article.

4. Provide a step-by-step process that could be used to develop and sustain an enterprise continuity process.  

5. Describe the role of incident response teams and how these accommodate business continuity.

6. There are several awareness and training efforts that could be adopted in order to prevent anti-forensic efforts.

     a. Suggest two (2) awareness and training efforts that could assist in preventing anti-forensic efforts.

     b. Determine how having a knowledgeable workforce could provide a greater level of secure behavior. Provide a rationale with 

         your response.  

     c. Outline the steps that could be performed to ensure continuous effectiveness.

7. Use at least three (3) quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality 


Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

  • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length. 

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

  • Describe and apply the 14 areas of common practice in the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Essential Body of Knowledge.
  • Describe best practices in cybersecurity.
  • Explain data security competencies to include turning policy into practice.
  • Describe digital forensics and process management.
  • Evaluate the ethical concerns inherent in cybersecurity and how these concerns affect organizational policies.
  • Create an enterprise continuity plan.
  • Describe and create an incident management and response plan.
  • Describe system, application, network, and telecommunications security policies and response.
  • Use technology and information resources to research issues in cybersecurity.
  • Write clearly and concisely about topics associated with cybersecurity using proper writing mechanics and technical style conventions.

Grading for this assignment will be based on answer quality, logic / organization of the paper, and language and writing skills. Click here to access the rubric for this assignment. 

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$ 35.00

[Solved] Developing the Forensics, Continuity, Incident Management, and Security Training Capacities

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  • Submitted On 11 Nov, 2015 02:28:04
Answer posted by
Online Tutor Profile
Download and read the following articles available in the ACM Digital Library: Arduini, F., & Morabito, V. (2010, March). Business continuity and the banking industry. Communications of the ACM, 53(3), 121-125 Dahbur, K., & Mohammad, B. (2011). The anti-forensics challenge. Proceedings from ISWSA '11: International Conference on Intelligent Semantic Web-Services and Applications. Amman, Jordan. Write a five to seven (5-7) page paper in which you: 1. Consider that Data Security and Policy Assurance methods are important to the overall success of IT and Corporate data security. a. Determine how defined roles of technology, people, and processes are necessary to ensure resource allocation for business continuity. b. Explain how computer security policies and data retention policies help maintain user expectations of levels of business continuity that could be achieved. c. Determine how acceptable use policies, remote access policies, and email polici...
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