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Mental Health

●          State of well-being in which every individual realizes his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully

●          Implies mastery in the areas of work, love, play

●          A person who is experiencing mental health performs

●          He or she enjoys life, has a sense of humor, and is satisfied with his or her interpersonal relationships

●          The person shows optimism benefits from rest and sleep, and works well alone and with others


o      Accepts self and others

o      Able to cope with stress

o      Can return to normal functioning if temporarily disturbed

o      Able to form close and lasting relationships

o      Uses sound judgement to make decisions

o      Accepts responsibility for actions

o      Optimistic

o      Recognizes limitations

o      Can function effectively


Mental Illness/Mental disorder

●          A clinically significant behavioral or psychological syndrome or pattern that occurs in an individual and is associated with present

●          Psychiatrist's definition

●          The existence of psychopathy of one kind or another

●          The ill person may have gross mental deterioration, disturbances in thought or mood, a personality defect

Sociologist's definition

●          A label attached to persons who engage in certain deviant behavior characteristics of the mentally ill and is believed to be more of non-conformity to a set

According to American Psychiatric Association (APA)

●          A mental disorder is "a clinically significant behavioral or psychological syndrome or pattern that occurs in an individual and that is associated with present


distress (e.g. a painful symptom) or disability (i.e. impairment in one or more important areas of functioning) or with a significantly increased risk of suffering death, pain, disability or an important loss of freedom"


Psychically Normal Persons

●          Are in harmony with themselves and their environment

●          Conform to the culture requirements


According to Abraham Maslow:

●          Mentally healthy people who achieve

self-actualization are able to:

●          Have positive self-concepts & relate well to people and their environment

●          Form close relationships with others

●          Generativity - mentor


Elements of Mental Health

1.    Positive attitude toward self/self esteem

●          Objective view of self

●          Feeling a strong sense of personal identity and security in the environment

2.    Growth Orientation

●          Correlates whether individual successfully achieves tasks associated with each level of development

●          Anal exposive -

●          Anal retentive - perfectionist

3.    Integration

●          Maintaining an equilibrium among various life processes

4.    Self-governance/Autonomy

●          Individual's ability to perform in an independent, self-directed manner

●          Individual

5.    Mastery of the environment

●          Achieving a satisfactory role in the group, society, or environment


●          Able to love and accept the love of others

●          When faced

6.    Reality orientation

●          Perception of the environment without distortion and the capacity for empathy and social sensitivity a respect and concern for the wants and needs of others

●          Empathy - you can understand them more

●          Sympathy

7.    Stress management

●          Experiences appropriate emotions in daily life and can tolerate stress, knowing that the feelings are not going


Five Signs of Mental Health

1.    Happiness

●          Finds

2.    Control over behavior

3.    Appraisal of reality

●          Accurate picture of what is happening around one

●          Good sense of the consequences, both good and bad, that will

4.    Effectiveness in Work

5.    A healthy self-concept


General Criteria for Mental Disorders

●          Dissatisfaction with one's characteristics, abilities and accomplishments

●          Ineffective or unsatisfying IPR

●          Dissatisfaction with one's place in the world

●          Ineffective coping or adaptation to the events in one's life and a lack of personal growth


The alarming burden of mental disorders


Population at risk for mental illness Those:

●          With familial or genetic predisposition to mental illness

●          With poor access to health care


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  • Submitted On 02 Oct, 2022 11:17:13
Answer posted by
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CARE OF CLIENTS WITH MALADAPTIVE BEHAVIORS STUDY GUIDE Mental Health ● State of well-being in which every individual realizes his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully ● Implies mastery in the areas of work, love, play ● A person who is experiencing mental health performs ● He or she enjoys life, has a sense of humor, and is satisfied with his or her interpersonal relationships ● The person shows optimism benefits from rest and sleep, and works well alone and with others Characteristics: o Accepts self and others o Able to cope with stress o Can return to normal functioning if temporarily disturbed o Able to form close and lasting relationships o Uses sound judgement to make decisions o Accepts responsibility for actions o Optimistic o Recognizes limitations o Can function effectively Mental Illness/Mental disorder ● A clinically significant behavioral or psychological syndrome or pattern that occurs in an individual and is associat...
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