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Medication assistance program.doc Medication assistance program Students Name Course

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Medication assistance program.doc    Medication assistance program  Students Name  Course Name  Institution Affiliation  Date  In most health care centers, the medication assistance program is most useful to a patient because it contains information about different procedures a patient can use to get medications needed. The primary purpose of the program is to assist these low individuals income and uninsured to get access to free prescription drugs mostly to those patients who can't afford them. Furthermore, the program can be found in many sites, including the federally-qualified health center, faith-based organization, and federally qualified health centers. To complete the program, stakeholders are needed, and they include bookkeepers, patients, discharge planners, suppliers, and financial navigators. The stakeholders are critical, mostly in the planning of the program. Below are chosen stakeholder who are part of the planning they include;  Bookkeeper  A bookkeeper is a person who keeps a record and generates reports in an institution. To create the program successfully, a bookkeeper is essential because will enough information will be provided concerning different medications that are given to the patients. A bookkeeper has different roles like; customer billing, creating spreadsheets, data entry, and invoice processing all the required information about a particular medication will be provided. A bookkeeper will be able to provide information on different drugs that are mostly used by the patient. Besid

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$ 7.00

[Solved] Medication assistance program.doc Medication assistance program Students Name Course

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  • Submitted On 04 Sep, 2022 06:18:52
Answer posted by
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Medication assistance program.doc Medication assistance program Students Name Course Name Institution Affiliation Date In most health care centers, the medication assistance program is most useful to a patient because it contains information about different procedures a patient can use to get medications needed. The primary purpose of the program is to assist these low indi...
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