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Statistics Questions

  • From Mathematics, Statistics
  • Due on 21 Sep, 2015 09:17:00
  • Asked On 10 Sep, 2015 08:19:18
  • Due date has already passed, but you can still post solutions.
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Week 6 Assignment: Apply Repeated-Measures

Activity Description

You will submit one Word document for this activity. You will create this Word document by cutting and pasting SPSS output into Word.

This assignment consists of two parts. In the first part, you will utilize an existing dataset to analyze the dataset from repeated-measures experimental design. All SPSS output should be pasted into your Word document. In the second part, you will be asked to create a dataset for a hypothetical repeated-measures experimental design. Finally, you will answer questions about your hypothetical dataset.

Part A. SPSS Assignment
The “Activity 6.sav” file contains a dataset of a high school teacher interested in determining whether his students’ test scores increase over the course of a 12 week period. In the dataset, you will find the following variables:
Participant: unique identifier
Gender: Male (M) or Female (F)
Score_0 – score on the initial course pre-test (first day of class)
Score_2 – score at the end of week 2
Score_4 – score at the end of week 4
Score_6 – score at the end of week 6
Score_8 – score at the end of week 8
Score_10 – score at the end of week 10
Score_12 – score at the end of the course (week 12)

To complete this Activity
1. Exploratory Data Analysis.

a. Perform exploratory data analysis on the relevant variables in the dataset. When possible, include appropriate graphs to help illustrate the dataset.

b. Compose a one to two paragraph write up of the data.

c. Create an APA style table that presents descriptive statistics for the sample.

2. Repeated-Measures ANOVA. Perform a repeated-measures ANOVA using the “Activity 6.sav” data set. You will use Score_0 through Score_12 as your repeated measure (7 levels), and gender as a fixed factor.

a. Is the assumption of sphericity violated? How can you tell? What does this mean in the context of interpreting the results?

b. Is there a main effect of gender? If so, explain the effect. Use post hoc tests when necessary or explain why they are not required in this specific case.

c. Is there a main effect time (i.e., an increase in scores from Week 0 to Week 12)? If so, explain the effect. Use post hoc tests when necessary or explain why they are not required in this specific case. Examine the output carefully and give as much detail as possible in your findings.

d. Write up the results in APA style and interpret them. Be sure that you discuss both main effects and the presence/absence of an interaction between the two.

Part B. Applying Analytical Strategies to an Area of Research Interest
3. Briefly restate your research area of interest.

a. Identify at least 2 variables for which you would utilize a repeated-measures ANOVA in your analysis. Describe the variables and their scale of measurement. Identify whether each factor is fixed or repeating. Where on the SPSS output would you look to find out if you violated the assumption of sphericity? If the data did violate this assumption, what would the impact be on your analysis?

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[Solved] Week 6 Assignment: Apply Repeated-Measures PART A AND B BOTH

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  • Submitted On 11 Sep, 2015 05:27:53
Answer posted by
Online Tutor Profile
Activity #6 consists of two parts. In the first part, you will utilize an existing dataset to analyze the dataset from repeated-measures experimental design. All SPSS output should be pasted into your Word document. In the second part, you will be asked to create a dataset for a hypothetical repeated-measures experimental design. Finally, you will answer questions about your hypothetical dataset. Part A. SPSS Activity The “Activity 6.sav” file contains a dataset of a high school teacher interested in determining whether his students’ test scores increase over the course of a 12 week period. In the dataset, you will find the following variables: Participant: unique identifier Gender: Male (M) or Female (F) Score_0 – score on the initial course pre-test (first day of class) Score_2 – score at the end of week 2 Score_4 – score at the end of week 4 Score_6 – score at the end of week 6 Score_8 – score at the end of week 8 Score_10 – score at the end of week 10 Score_12 – score at the end of the course (week 12) Activity #6 1. Exploratory Data Analysis. a. Perform exploratory data analysis on the relevant variables in the dataset. When possible, include appropriate graphs to help illustrate the dataset. Descriptive Statistics N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation Pre-test score 12 16 59 29.58 12.221 Week 2 score 12 22 60 33.08 10.113 Week 4 score 12 27 63 35.42 9.885 Week 6 score 12 20 60 35.67 10.671 Week 8 score 12 28 65 39.92 9.718 Week 10 score 12 33 67 45.67 8.690 Week 12 score 12 34 73 50.00 10.189 Valid N (listwise) 12 Gender Female Male Mean Mean Pre-test score 28 32 Week 2 score 30 40 Week 4 score 34 39 Week 6 score 36 35 Week 8 score 39 41 Week 10 score 45 47 Week 12 score 48 53 b. Give a one to two paragraph write up of the data once you have done this c. Create an APA style table that presents descriptive statistics for the sample. From the above analysis and graphs we can easily see that the mean score of the participants are increasing with the increase over the course duration. So mean score is going high as the weeks are increasing from 0 to 12. The same thing is represented by the line graphs. First table is a descriptive statistics table with taking all participants together; second table is a divided with the gender of the participants. Similarly we have graphs shown above with taking all the participants as well as the participants with males and females. All are showing the increasing trend in the mean score. It clearly indicates that the mean score is increasing overall as well as within each category. 2. Repeated-Measures ANOVA. Perform a repeated-measures ANOVA using the “Activity 6.sav” data set. You will use Score_0 through Score_12 as your repeated measure (7 levels), and gender as a fixed factor. Within-Subjects Factors Measure:MEASURE_1 SCORE Dependent Variable dimension1 1 Score_0 2 Score_2 3 Score_4 4 Score_6 5 Score_8 6 Score_10 7 Score_12 Between-Subjects Factors Value Label N Gender F Female 8 M Male 4 Descriptive Statistics Gender Mean Std. Deviation N...
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[Solved] STAT SPSS Assignment-Activity 6.sav

  • This Solution has been Purchased 1 time
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  • Submitted On 12 Sep, 2015 10:03:16
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Part A. SPSS Assignment The “Activity 6.sav” file contains a data...
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