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ACC 201 Week 2 DQ 1 Fraud

  • From Business, General Business
  • Due on 06 Nov, 2014 10:24:00
  • Asked On 04 Nov, 2014 10:54:58
  • Due date has already passed, but you can still post solutions.
Question posted by
Online Tutor Profile

Discuss in general the ethical issues when employees are tempted to defraud their employer or when companies defraud the public. What sort of situations can lead to this behavior? What are the costs of fraudulent behavior? What kind of controls can help prevent ethical problems? Cite an example of unethical behavior (not necessarily limited to fraud) that you are aware of from personal experience or have read about that is related to business. After you have posted your original thread be sure to respond to at least two other students’ original threads.

Available Answers
$ 10.00

[Solved] Ethical issues on employee fraud

  • This solution is not purchased yet.
  • Submitted On 21 Jun, 2016 02:14:21
Answer posted by
Online Tutor Profile
Ethic’s is the knowledge of which is good and bad and the moral duty and obligation to in dealing with what is good and bad. Holding concerns of corporate social responsibility and the importance of those involved in organizations uses business ethics. Management must be educated in legal compliance of ethical business practices in an effort to maintain legal boundaries. It is always best for an organization to encourage good moral standards within the organization. Ethical decisions in the long run can become very costly for an organization. With most organizations in practice, many however, still remain in an awkward state of practice with their knowledge of business ethics. There are laws are set in place, such as the foreign corruption practices act, preventing forceful acts of unethical behavior. The potential for others to perform or engage in unethical ac...
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