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UTM comparison homework

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"Case Project 6-2: UTM Comparison   Create a table of four UTM devices available today. Include the vendor name, pricing, a list of features, the type of protections it provides, etc. Based on your research, assign a value of 1–5 (lowest to highest) that you would give that UTM. Include a short explanation of why you gave it that ranking"




"Case Project 6-4: Network Firewall ComparisonUse the Internet to identify three network firewalls, and create a chart that compares their features. Note if they are rule-based or application-aware, perform stateless or stateful packet filtering, what additional features they include (IDS, content filtering, etc.), their costs, etc. Which would you recommend? Why?"


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"Case Project 7-2: Securing Email   Use the Internet to research different options for encrypting and securing email. Create a table that lists at least five options. Include the advantages and disadvantages of each. Which would you recommend? Why? Write a one-paragraph explanation along with your table"



"Case Project 7-5: Cloud Computing BenefitsWould your school or place of work benefit from cloud computing? Identify at least two cloud computing vendors and research their features and costs. Then look at one element of your school or work network infrastructure and apply it to cloud computing. Would it be feasible? Why or why not? Write a one-page paper on your research and opinions."




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Works Cited  - cite your source 

500 word Microsoft word 

no plagiarism 

Available Answers
$ 20.00

[Solved] Case project answers

  • This Solution has been Purchased 1 time
  • Submitted On 24 Feb, 2021 10:36:01
Answer posted by
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$ 30.00

[Solved] UTM comparison homework

  • This solution is not purchased yet.
  • Submitted On 24 Feb, 2021 10:14:34
Answer posted by
Online Tutor Profile
"Case Project 6-2: UTM Comparison Create a table of four UTM devices available today. Include the vendor name, pricing, a list of features, the type of protections it provides, etc. Based on your research, assign a value of 1–5 (lowest to highest) that you would give that UTM. Include a short explanation of why you gave it that ranking" Answer: Unified Threat Management (UTM) system protects the users from various security threats with the help of multiple security features lik...
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$ 40.00

[Solved] Case Project 6-2: UTM TO 7-5

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  • Submitted On 24 Feb, 2021 12:48:24
Answer posted by
Online Tutor Profile
"Case Project 6-2: UTM Comparison Create a table of four UTM devices available today. Include the vendor name, pricing, a list of features, the type of protections it provides, etc. Based on your research, assign a value of 1–5 (lowest to highest) that you would give that UTM. Include a short explanation of why you gave it that ranking" "Case Proje...
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UTM comparison homework

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