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  • From Business, General Business
  • Due on 30 Aug, 2019 09:18:00
  • Asked On 30 Aug, 2019 01:21:56
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Need done ASAP. Please see attachement for assignemetn. Link to article down below. Thank you for all your help!!! 

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$ 10.00

[Solved] Integrative Definition of Leadership

  • This Solution has been Purchased 1 time
  • Submitted On 30 Aug, 2019 09:50:33
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Kindly find the atta...
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[Solved] An Integrative Definition of Leadership Bruce E. Winston Kathleen Patterson

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  • Submitted On 30 Aug, 2019 05:03:59
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Project One: Leadership Theories/Approach/Style Introduction According to Winston and Patterson (2006), an effective organizational leader should be able to recognize available opportunities therefore be able to influence others to create change. As the authors state, being an effective leader does not mean simply commanding others to do work and believing that it will be done. It is more of incentivizing the employees to feel as a valuable part of the company so that they can contribute meaningfully towards the creation of change through their personal input (Goetsch & Davis, 2014). For a leader to be truly successful especially in the 21st century, then they have to be able to manage their own energy and that of those around them (Week 4: Leadership Approach and the Diamond Model, 2017). This requires them to harness their impact by an application of the right leadership approach and combining it with the right style. Further, the exercise of their leadership has to be founded on the most suitable leadership theory based on the circumstances underlying the business’ operations and the anticipated future goals of the business. Further, an incorporation of the right ethics, values, and attitudes in the business is likely to enhance the personal leadership skills of the person in power and catapult the business to attain the premeditated strategic goals. This paper is an analysis of the leadership status at GDD and evaluation of the candidates being interviewed for the position of manager to determine who best suits the company’s leadership needs in that position. GDD’s Results Prevalent Leadership theory Leadership approach Preferred leadership style Relational Proactive viewpoint and future-oriented Enhanced Situational or transformative Rationale for the Elements GDD is applying the enhanced situational or transformational leadership style because of the need to address situations as they arise and through incorporation of the strengths of the people and the organization (Week 3: Leadership Styles, 2017). GDD is applying the relational theory rather than the contingency based theories. GDD was actually established during an era where the leaders were considered as being people with high energy and strong personalities as they are able to influence people towards undertaking a certain action. Further, the theories were reliant on motiva...
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