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Operations and Supply Chain

  • From Business, General Business
  • Due on 13 Oct, 2018 01:46:00
  • Asked On 09 Oct, 2018 10:48:27
  • Due date has already passed, but you can still post solutions.
Question posted by
Online Tutor Profile
  1. What is the lean concept and why is it important to study?
  2. How can lean be applied to manufacturing and service processes?
  3. What is work center scheduling and why is it important for firms to focus on?
  4. How to apply scheduling techniques to service and manufacturing processes.
  5. What is the Theory of Constraints (TOC) and why is it important to study?
  6. How is the TOC different from conventional approaches?
  7. How can the TOC be applied to reduce bottlenecks in a variety of applications?
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$ 15.00

[Solved] operations and supply chain

  • This solution is not purchased yet.
  • Submitted On 12 Oct, 2018 01:18:58
Answer posted by
Online Tutor Profile
Operations and supply chain 1. What is lean concept and its importance? Lean manufacturing is a new business technique which deals with customer prevention from the waste that is created within the system. In this case the term waste is used to refer to all the services that are non- profitable such as transport, inventory and time wasted during waiting and reduce overproduction. Lean concept is very important as it leads to; • Ensuring effective customer care services. • It makes the process of business management easy • It ensures that there is reduced waste and there are few flaws in the production process • Increased financial benefits to both the customers and organization 2. How can lean be applied to manufacturing and service processes? Application of lean concept is very difficult and it requires that the organization to take courage so as to unravel the underlying difficulties in a given organization that needs to be solved, there are some of the techniques that were set forth by Toyota companies to be follow during implementation: • The organization has to be specific with the value they give to their customers • The organization must include the identification and creation of the streams of values • The organization focus on the value movement right from the raw materials to the c...
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