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mcdonalds manager

  • From Business, General Business
  • Due on 28 Feb, 2018 12:00:00
  • Asked On 25 Feb, 2018 04:30:26
  • Due date has already passed, but you can still post solutions.
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Susan Drolet is manager of a McDonald’s restaurant in a city with many “seniors.” She

has noticed that some senior citizens have become not just regular patrons-but patrons

who come for breakfast and stay on until about 3:00 PM. Many of these older customers

were attracted initially by a monthly breakfast special for people aged 55 and older. The

meal cost $1.99, and refills of coffee were free. Every fourth Monday, between 100 and

150 seniors jam Susan’s McDonald’s for the special offer. But now almost as many of

them are coming every day-turning the fast-food restaurant into a meeting place. They sit

for hours with a cup of coffee, chatting with their friends. On most days, as many as 100

will stay from one to four hours.

Susan’s employees have been very friendly to the seniors, calling them by their first

names and visiting with them each day. In fact Susan’s McDonalds is a happy place-with

her employees developing close relationships with the seniors. Some employees have

even visited customers who have been hospitalized. “You know,” Susan says, “I really get

attached to the customers. They’re like my family. I really care about these people.” They

are all “friends” and it is part of McDonald’s corporate philosophy (as reflected on its

website, to be friendly with its customers and to give back to the

communities it serves.

These older customers are an orderly group and very friendly to anyone who comes in.

Further, they are neater than most customers, and carefully clean up their tables before

they leave. Nevertheless, Susan is beginning to wonder if anything should be done about

her growing “non-fast food” clientele. There is no crowding problem yet, during the time

when the seniors like to come. But if the size of the senior citizen group continues to

grow, crowding could become a problem. Further, Susan is concerned that her restaurant

might come to be known as an “old people’s” restaurant- which might discourage some

younger customers. And if customers felt the restaurant was crowded, some might feel

that they wouldn’t get fast service. On the other hand, a place that seems busy might be

seen as “a good place to go” and a “friendly place.”

Susan also worries about the image she is projecting. McDonald’s is a fast-food

restaurant (there are over 30,000 of them in 119 countries), and normally customers are

expected to eat and run. Will allowing people to stay and visit change the whole concept?

In the extreme, Susan’s McDonald’s might become more like a European-style restaurant

where the customers are never rushed and feel very comfortable about lingering over

coffee for an hour or two! Susan knows the amount her senior customers spend is similar

to the average customer’s purchase-but the seniors do use the facilities for a much longer

time. However, most of the older customers leave McDonald’s by 11:20, before the noon

crowd comes is.

Susan is also concerned about another possibility. If catering to seniors is OK, then

should she do even more with this age group? In particular, she is considering offering

bingo games during the slow morning hours- 9 AM to 11 AM. Bingo is popular with

some seniors, and this could be a new revenue source-beyond the extra food and drink

purchases that probably would result. She figures she could charge $5 per person for the

two-hour period and run it with underutilized employees. The prizes would be coupons

for purchases at her store (to keep it legal) and would amount to about two-thirds of the

bingo receipts (at retail prices). The party room area of her McDonald’s would be perfect

for this use and could hold up to 150 persons.

Answer the following short response questions (total length is about 2 pages):

1. The senior customers are a PROBLEM because:.......

2. The senior customers are an OPPORTUNITY because:..............

3. Should Susan encourage, ignore or discourage her senior customers? (Be specific and

expand this response.)

4. If she offers the Bingo....what could possibly go wron

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$ 7.00

[Solved] Mcdonalds Manager

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  • Submitted On 28 Feb, 2018 02:33:30
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Susan should encoura...
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