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Lift and Airfoils Exercise

  • From Physics, General Physics
  • Due on 27 Sep, 2017 12:00:00
  • Asked On 26 Sep, 2017 12:27:31
  • Due date has already passed, but you can still post solutions.
Question posted by
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Complete the Lift and Airfoils Exercise linked below. This exercise requires you to complete some on-line research on airfoil profiles and lift curves, which will familiarize you with another type of data depiction: charts and graphs.

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[Solved] Exercise 3: Lift and Airfoils

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  • Submitted On 26 Sep, 2017 02:30:22
Answer posted by
Online Tutor Profile
Exercise 3: Lift and Airfoils The first part of this week’s assignment is to choose and research a reciprocating engine powered (i.e. propeller type) aircraft. You will further use your selected aircraft in subsequent assignments, so be specific and make sure to stay relatively conventional with your choice in order to prevent having trouble finding the required data during your later research. Also, if you find multiple numbers (e.g. for different aircraft series, different configurations, and/or different operating conditions), please pick only one for your further work, but make sure to detail your choice in your answer (i.e. comment on the condition) and stay consistent with that choice throughout subsequent work. In contrast to formal research for other work in your academic program at ERAU, Wikipedia may be used as a starting point for this assignment. However, DO NOT USE PROPRIETARY OR CLASSIFIED INFORMATION even if you happen to have access in your line of work. 1. Selected Aircraft: For the following part of your research, you can utilize David Lednicer’s (2010) Incomplete Guide to Airfoil Usage at or any other reliable source for research on your aircraft. Answer NACA 4412 2. Main Wing Airfoil (if more than one airfoil is used in the wing design, e.g. different between root and tip, pick the predominant profile and, as always, stay consistent): Please note also the database designator in the following on-line tool: Find the appropriate lift curve for your Airfoil from 4. You can utilize any officially published airfoil diagram for your selected airfoil or use the Airfoil Tool at and text search for NACA or other designations, search your aircraft, or use the library links to the left of the screen. Once the proper airfoil is displayed and identified, select the “Airfoil details” link to the right, which will bring up detailed plots for your airfoil similar to the ones in your textbook. Concentrate for this exercise on the Cl/alpha (coefficient of lift vs angle of attack) plot. Start by de-cluttering the plot and leaving only the curve for the highest Reynolds-number (Re) selected (i.e. remove all checkmarks, except the second to last, and press the “Update plots” tab). 3. From the plot, find the CLmax for your airfoil (Tip: for a numerical breakdown of the plotted curve, you can select the “Details” link and directly read the highest CL value and associated AOA in the table – first two columns): Clmax= 1.6702 4. Find the Stall AOA of your airfoil (i.e. the AOA associated with C...
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[Solved] Exercise 3: Lift and Airfoils

  • This Solution has been Purchased 1 time
  • Average Rating for this solution is A+
  • Submitted On 26 Sep, 2017 09:51:50
Answer posted by
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Complete the Lift and Airfoils Exercise linked b...
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