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Time value of money

  • From Business, Finance
  • Due on 19 Jun, 2017 12:00:00
  • Asked On 15 Jun, 2017 09:50:12
  • Due date has already passed, but you can still post solutions.
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Decision #1:   Which set of Cash Flows is worth more now?


Assume that your grandmother wants to give you generous gift.  She wants you to choose which one of the following sets of cash flows you would like to receive:


Option A:  Receive a one-time gift of $ 8000 today.    

Option B:  Receive a $1250 gift each year for the next 10 years.  The first $1250 would be

     received  1 year from today.                 

Option C:  Receive a one-time gift of $15,000 10 years from today.


Compute the Present Value of each of these options if you expect the interest rate to be 3% annually for the next 10 years.    Which of these options does financial theory suggest you should choose?


       Option A would be worth $__________ today.

       Option B would be worth $__________ today.

       Option C would be worth $__________ today.

       Financial theory supports choosing Option _______


Compute the Present Value of each of these options if you expect the interest rate to be 6% annually for the next 10 years.  Which of these options does financial theory suggest you should choose?


       Option A would be worth $__________  today.

       Option B would be worth $__________ today.

       Option C would be worth $__________ today.

      Financial theory supports choosing Option _______


Compute the Present Value of each of these options if you expect to be able to earn 9% annually for the next 10 years.  Which of these options does financial theory suggest you should choose?


       Option A would be worth $__________  today.

       Option B would be worth $__________ today.

       Option C would be worth $__________ today.

       Financial theory supports choosing Option _______



Decision #2 begins at the top of page 2!



Decision #2:  Planning for Retirement


Luke and Olivia are 22, newly married, and ready to embark on the journey of life.   They both plan to retire 45 years from today.  Because their budget seems tight right now, they had been thinking that they would wait at least 10 years and then start investing $1800 per year to prepare for retirement.   Olivia just told Luke, though, that she had heard that they would actually have more money the day they retire if they put $1800 per year away for the next 10 years - and then simply let that money sit for the next 35 years without any additional payments - than they would have if they waited 10 years to start investing for retirement and then made yearly payments for 35 years (as they originally planned to do).  


Please help Luke and Olivia make an informed decision:   


Assume that all payments are made at the end of a year, and that the rate of return on all yearly investments will be 8.4% annually.


a)      How much money will Luke and Olivia have in 45 years if they do nothing for the next 10 years, then put $1800 per year away for the remaining 35 years?




b)      How much money will Luke and Olivia have in 10 years if they put $1800 per year away for the next 10 years?



b2)  How much will that amount you just computed grow to if it remains invested for the remaining

 35 years, but without any additional yearly deposits being made?




c)       How much money will Luke and Olivia have in 45 years if they put $1800 per year away for each of the next 45 years? 



d)       How much money will Luke and Olivia have in 45 years if they put away $150 per MONTH at the end of each month for the next 45 years?  (Remember to adjust the 8.4% annual rate to a Rate per month!)



e)      If Luke and Olivia wait 25 years (after the kids are raised!) before they put anything away for retirement,  how much will they to put away at the end of each year for 20 years in order to have $800,000 saved up on the first day of their retirement 45 years from today?

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[Solved] Time value of money Decision 1 & 2 both

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  • Submitted On 17 Jun, 2017 02:19:06
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Decision 1 Option A: Receive a one-time gift of $ 8000today. Option B: Receive a $1250 gift each year for the next 10 year .the first gift to be received 1 year from today. Option C: Receive a one-time gift of $15,000 10 years from today Present value of a cash flow over time is its value today Computing the Present Value of each of these options We use this formula; Pv=C [1-(1+i)^-n]/i Where C=cash flow per period n=number of payments i=interest rate WHEN i=3% CASE A Pv=$8000 CASE B C=1250,n=10 yrs ,i=3%=0.03 Pv=1250*[1-(1+0.03)^-10]/0.03 Pv=$ 10662.754 CASE C C=15000 n=10/10=1 i= [3*10] %=30%=0.3 Pv=C [1-(1+i)^-n]/i Pv=15000*[1-(1+0.3)^-1]/0.3 Pv=$ 11538.462 Option A would be worth $_______8000___ today. Option B would be worth $_____10662.274_____ today. Option C would be worth $___11538.462_______ today. Financial theory supports choosing Option _C_____because its worthy more than the other WHEN i=6% CASE A Pv=$8000 CASE B C=1250, n=10 yrs, i=6%=0.06 Pv=1250*[1-(1+0.06)^-10]/0.06 Pv=$ 9200.109 CASE C C=15000 n=10/10=1 i=[6*10]%=60%=0.6 Pv=C[1-(1+i)^-n]/i Pv=15000*[1-(1+0.6)^-1]/0.6 Pv=$ 9375 Option A would be worth $_____8000_____ today. Option B would be worth $__9200.109________ today. Option C would be worth $____9375______ today. Financial theory supports cho...
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[Solved] Time value of money

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  • Submitted On 16 Jun, 2017 04:50:55
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[Solved] Time value of money

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  • Submitted On 16 Jun, 2017 08:39:40
Answer posted by
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Assume that your...
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[Solved] BUSI 320 Comprehensive Problem 3

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  • Submitted On 16 Jun, 2017 04:00:35
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Please see attached Thank you!..............
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