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I.Compute an ANOVA model to examine the relationship between education and perceptions about healthcare where 5=excellent care, 3=good care and 1=poor care. Assume an alpha level of 0.05.
Compute SSB (Sum of squares between groups). Show your work below:
Compute between group degrees of freedom (dfb). Show your work below:
Compute SSW (Sum of squares within groups). Show your work below:
Compute within group degrees of freedom (dfw). Show your work below:
Calculate the F statistic. Show your work below:
What decision do you make about the null hypothesis based on the F statistic and degrees of freedom? What leads you to make this decision?
II.The following question requires the use of SPSS. Please use the 2012 GSS dataset to complete this question. Please attach your SPSS output. Compute an ANOVA model to examine the relationship between CLASS and AGEKDBRN. Use CLASS as the independent variable and AGEKDBRN as the dependent variable.
Identify the F statistic. Report it here: _________.
Identify the p value. Report it here: _________.
What are the degrees of freedom between group _______, and within group ________.
Are these results statistically significant at an alpha level of 0.05? What tells you if this is the case?
From the data, Grand total, G = 5 + 2 + … + 4 = 70
From the data, Raw sum of squares, RSS = 52 + 22 + … + 42 = 288
Total size of the sample, n = 18
Therefore, total sum of squares, SST = RSS – G2/n = 288 – ...
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