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PSYC 221 Liberty University Quiz 1

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[Solved] PSYC 221 Liberty University Quiz 1

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  • Submitted On 20 Mar, 2017 12:21:38
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What are the goals of a developmental theory? 1) Describe changes over time in one or more areas (such as thought, social behavior, language, perception) 2) Describe how changes in one area of development are related to changes in other areas of development --Example: Vygotsky's theory of relationship between thought & language 3) Explain the course of development. How do we understand nature v nurture? Nature: Inborn, biological givens. Based on genetic inheritance Nurture: Physical and social world that influences biological and psychological development How do we understand stability v plasticity? Stability: Individuals high or low in a characteristic remain so at later ages. Early experience may a have lifelong impact. Plasticity: Change is possible, based on experiences. How do we understand continuity v discontinuity? Continuity: Continuous development of characteristics (learning to walk) Discontinuity: Dramatic shifts of characteristic development (growth spurts) What were Darwin's 2 main points regarding development? Natural Selection: Species have characteristics that are adapted (or fit) to their environments. Survival of the Fittest: Individuals best adapted to their environments survive to reproduce. Their genes are passed to later generations. Define how Freud conceptualized personality. Id: Largest portion of the mind. Unconscious, present at birth. Source of biological needs/desires. Ego: Conscious, rational part of mind. Emerges in early infancy. Redirects id impulses acceptably. Superego: The conscience - develops from ages 3 to 6 from interactions with caregivers What are Piaget's Stages of Cognitive Development? Which is most relevant for adolescents? What major task occurs in this stage? The most relevant for adolescents is formal operational stage What is the Information Processing theory of development? Human brain is symbol-manipulating system: input = experiences, output = behavioral response Development seen as continuously changing, not formal stages What is the difference between a critical period and a sensitive period? What types of development milestones are associated with each? Critical period: The limited window of time that one needs to learn something (syntax and grammar) Sensitive period: optimal time to learn something (learning a foreign language is easier at a younger age) What is Ecological Systems Theory? How is it the same/different from Vygotsky's Sociocultural Theory? Ecological systems theory: development is affected by everything in the environment. Sociocultural theory: cultures are transmitted between generations They both focus on the environment and how it affects development but the ecological systems theory is more constructed around all parts of the environment a child grows up in. What is the difference between a genotype and phenotype? Genotype: Genetic make-up of an individual Phenotype: Observable characteristics of an individual What are the types of twins? How do these translate into twin studies regarding development? Fraternal/Dizygotic: two zygotes, or fertilized ova Identical/Monozygotic: one zygote that divides into two individuals What is the difference between imprinting and mutation? How could this be relevant for adolescents? Imprinting: Chemical marker that activates either father's or mother's gene - often temporary (cancer) Mutation: Sudden, permanent change in a DNA segment (down syndrome) What are some reproductive cho...
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