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CIS 305 Unit 4 Assignment: File Access Methods

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Unit 4 Assignment: File Access Methods


Whenever a client connects to a remote server for file storage or for some type of web content, some type of application and some underlying network protocol must be used. Otherwise the network would become useless when everyone would use a different method for access. There are many different file access applications in use on today networks like Samba, NFS, CIFS and others.

Do research on the web to discover how some of these applications work.

Directions: For this assignment, you will visit (Links to an external site.) and compile a handout of advantages and disadvantages of major file access applications.

Write a one-page report in the form of a handout in which you describe each of the file access methods. You may need to search the public web using a search engine like Google or Bing to find description of the commands. Cite any sources you use in APA format; this includes sources for any screenshots that are not your own.

One person from your group will informally present your findings to the class so be sure to choose commands that you found interesting. We want to hear a good variety of commands that could become part of a handout to new users of Linux.

Be sure to choose commands that you found interesting. We want to hear a good variety of commands that could become part of a handout to new users of Linux.

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[Solved] Uunit 4 Assignment: File Access Methods

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  • Submitted On 08 Sep, 2016 08:57:22
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Information in files could be accessed in many ways. It is usually dependent on an application. Sequential Access: A simple access method, information in a file is accessed sequentially one record after another. To process the with record all the 1-1 records previous to 1 must be accessed There are several ways that the information in the file can be accessed. Some systems provide only one access method for files. On other systems, many different access methods are supported, and choosing the right one for a particular application is a major design problem. Sequential Access Information in the file is processed in order, one record after the other. This is by far the most common mode of access of files. For example, computer editors usually access files in this fashion. A read operation reads the next portion of the file and automatically advances the file pointer. Similarly, a write appends to the end of the file and the file pointer. Similarly, a write appends to the end of the file and the file pointer. Similarly, a write appends to the end of the end of the file and advances to the end of the newly written material (the new end of file). Such a file can be reset to the beginning, and, on some systems, a program may be able to skip forward or backward n records, for some integer n. This scheme is known as sequential access to a file. Sequential access is based on a tape model of a file. Direct Access Direct access is based on a disk model of a file. For direct access, the file is viewed as a numbered sequence of block or records. A direct-access file allows arbitrary blocks to be read or written. Thus, after block 18 has been read, block 57 could be next, and then block 3. There are no restrictions on the order of reading and writing for a direct access file. Direct access files are of great use for intermediate access to large amounts of information. The file operations must be modified to include the block number as a parameter. Thus, we have "read n", where n is the block number, rather than "read next", and "write n", rather that "write next". An alternative approach is to retain "read next" and "write next" and to add an operation; "position file to n" where n is the block number. Then, to effect a "read n", we would issue the commands "position to n" and then "read next". Not all O...
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[Solved] Abstract This is information age.

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  • Submitted On 08 Sep, 2016 09:09:24
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Abstract This is information age. There are financial and corporate information, research and analysis reports, trends etc. There are trend-setting and military information. Information is being categorized, as confidential, sensitive and critical. There are automation tools for extracting and gleaning information. There are management solution products such as content management, knowledge management and document management for managing the collected information. There are different storage mechanisms for preserving information. Finally, on securing information, there are tools and techniques. In this white paper, we are to discuss about the three important types of information security, such as securing information from hackers, securing information while on transit and securing information stored in systems that can be lost or stolen. Finally a brief about wireless security has been described here. Keywords: Authentication, Authorization, Integrity, Confidentiality, Cryptography, Security, Hackers, Firewall, Intrusion Detection System, Virtual Private Network, Viruses, Worms, Encryption, Digital Signature, Digital Certificate, Internet Protocols. Information Access Value Vs. Risk The Internet has become the information super highway. The evolving Internet and its related technologies have allowed businesses to communicate in new and strategic ways with various types of people and organizations. Over the years, there have been additions of feature upon feature to the Internet connections. As the needs have changed, human beings have come across the need of more robust services, faster connections, and more flexibility in what can be done. In the beginning, services like simple POP3-style email and Web access were the extent of an Internet connection. Today we have site-to-site Virtual Private Networks (VPNs), cl...
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