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CIS Unit 5 Discussion

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Unit 5 Discussion: Using Linux Log Files to Troubleshoot a System

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Linux operating systems generate and capture messages in log files for most of the elements of the operating system whenever there is a system event like a command is entered at the command line, or a daemons starts, and when any service runs. One of these new logs is called the journald.

The tasks of the administrator is to use these log files to determine why a service or process did not work correctly.

In your discussion post: make a list of different ways to use the log files in troubleshooting problems with a Linux system.

  • Visit several sites listed below and compile a list of five (5) methodologies that help troubleshoot a Linux system. Try to select different ways than that of your peers have not already posted.
  • Describe each of the five methods and provide a screenshot or description of each. You may need to search the public web using a search engine like Google or Bing to find screenshots of systems with different services. Cite any sources you use in APA format; this includes sources for any screenshots that are not your own.
  • When responding to your peers’ posts, describe your initial thoughts on the best advantage over the other systems’ services they posted. Note any major similarities or differences your notice between the different services.


Additional Resources

Logging the Ultimate Guide (Links to an external site.)

Troubleshooting Linux with syslog (Links to an external site.)

20 Linux Log Files (Links to an external site.)

Troubleshooting NFS (Links to an external site.)

Available Answers
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[Solved] : Using Linux Log Files to Troubleshoot a System

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  • Submitted On 08 Sep, 2016 08:52:40
Answer posted by
Online Tutor Profile
Troubleshooting This is intended as a step-by-step guide to what to do when things go wrong using NFS. Usually trouble first rears its head on the client end, so this diagnostic will begin there. Unable to See Files on a Mounted File System First, check to see if the file system is actually mounted. There are several ways of doing this. The most reliable way is to look at the file /proc/mounts, which will list all mounted filesystems and give details about them. If this doesn't work (for example if you don't have the /proc filesystem compiled into your kernel), you can type mount -f although you get less information. If the file system appears to be mounted, then you may have mounted another file system on top of it (in which case you should unmount and remount both volumes), or you may have exported the file system on the server before you mounted it there, in which case NFS is exporting the underlying mount point (if so then you need to restart NFS on the server). If the file system is not mounted, then attempt to mount it. If this does not work, see Symptom 3. File requests hang or timeout waiting for access to the file This usually means that the client is unable to communicate with the server. See Symptom 3 letter b. Unable to mount a file system There are two common errors that mount produces when it is unable to mount a volume. These are: failed, reason given by server: Permission denied This means that the server does not recognize that you have access to the volume. Check your /etc/exports file and make sure that the volume is exported and that your client has the right kind of access to it. For example, if a client only has read access then you have to mount the volume with the ro option rather than the rw option. Make sure that you have told NFS to register any changes you made to /etc/exports since starting nfsd by running the exportfs command. Be sure to type exportfs -ra to be extra certain that the exports are being re-read. Check the file /proc/fs/nfs/exports and make sure the volume and client are listed correctly. (You can also look at the file /var/lib/nfs/xtab for an unabridged list of how all the active export options are set.) If they are not, then you have not re-exported properly. If they are listed, make sure the server recognizes your client as being the machine you think it is. For example, you may have an old listing for the client in /etc/hosts that is throwing off the server, or you may not have listed the client's complete address and it may be resolving to a machine in a different domain. One trick is login to the server from the client via ssh or telnet; if you then type who, one of the listings should be your login session and the name of your client machine as the server sees it. Try using this machine name in your /etc/exports entry. Finally, try to ping the client from the server, and try to ping the server from the client. If this doesn't work, or if there is packet loss, you may have lower-level network problems. It is not possible to export both a directory and its child (for example both /usr and /usr/local). You should export the parent directory with the necessary permissions, and all of its subdirectories can then be mounted with those same permissions. RPC: Program Not Registered (or another "RPC" error) This means that the client does not detect NFS runnin...
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