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Business paper help

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Mark sued a bank for injuries.  He was not paying attention as he entered the bank because he was looking at his phone. And he fell suffering $10,000 in injuries. Prior to the fall, the janitor had buffed the floor. The janitor had an IQ of 70. Normally, the janitor was closely supervised. However, today his manager was extremely tired, and the manager didn’t notice that the janitor had carelessly used way too much floor wax that was extremely slippery.  Is the bank liable for the janitor’s negligence (be sure to go through all the elements.) Additionally, note that under the doctrine of respondeat superior the bank WILL be liable for any potential negligence of the janitor employee? What defenses will the bank assert? Assume that the jurisdiction does not recognize assumption of risk or contributory negligence. The jurisdiction does recognize the defense of comparative negligence. 

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  • This Solution has been Purchased 1 time
  • Submitted On 20 Jul, 2016 08:43:06
Answer posted by
Online Tutor Profile
Mark sued a bank for injuries. He was not paying attention as he entered the ba...
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