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C948 Task 1.docx Part One: PowerPoint Critique âThe Cloud is coming❠slide deck is a

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C948 Task 1.docx  Part One: PowerPoint Critique  “The Cloud is coming” slide deck is a poorly made presentation not fit for any employee to view.  This is due to its design, content, and information that is ill advised to share with employees.  This paper will critique the presentation on the following topics: Finances and manpower, Design and organization, and technical review.  Finances and Manpower:  Slides two, three, and four all reference reduction in staff.  While this can be a strong point on reducing manpower by moving to this technology, it is unprofessional to all staff and should only be sent to executives/ upper management. Furthermore, slide seven states that layoffs will begin after training has been conducted.  Slide four also references the potential savings from the reduction in staff.  This type of financial information should never be shared to all employees.  Slide seven references a timeline for layoffs to begin.  This statement when sent to all employees, creates an environment where people no longer feel valued for the job they perform.    Design and Organization:  While the overall design looks whimsical, its not a very professional style choice for a corporate presentation.  A basic color scheme with the companys logo on the top of the slide is a simple answer for presentation style.  Also, this presentation isnt structured in an easy to follow lay out. The presentation should begin with slide five.  This slide gives the basic overview of what the cloud is.  Sli

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$ 7.00

[Solved] C948 Task 1.docx Part One: PowerPoint Critique âThe Cloud is coming❠slide deck is a

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  • Submitted On 31 Jul, 2022 04:57:12
Answer posted by
Online Tutor Profile
C948 Task 1.docx Part One: PowerPoint Critique “The Cloud is coming” slide deck is a poorly made presentation not fit for any employee to view. This is due to its design, content, and information that is ill advised to share with employees. This paper will critique the presentation on the following topics: Finances and manpower, Design and organization, and techn...
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C948 Task 1.docx Part One: PowerPoint Critique âThe Cloud is coming❠slide deck is a

C948 Task 1.docx Part One: PowerPoint Critique “The Cloud is coming” slide deck is a poorly made presentation not fit for any employee to view. This is due to its design, content, and information that is ill ad...

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