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Definition.docx ENG-106-O501 Definition Argumentative Essay Organ trade and donation,

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Definition.docx  ENG-106-O501  Definition Argumentative Essay   Organ trade and donation, an idea that when mentioned is argued and debated to an extent that not a lot of people understand. It is the question that everyone gets asked when get an ID or drivers license, it is what makes other people question their ethics. Every person is granted the decision on whether to keep their organs when they pass or to be able to allow someone else to live with the donation of the deceased organs. When a person is dying due to failed organs the family is immediately pushed into the idea of trying to find an organ donor. Then comes the idea of trying to find enough money to cover the cost of the organ plus the medication. “A single kidney can cost up to $400,000, a single heart can come out to be 1.3 million plus $2,500 for the anti-rejection medication” (Aleccia, 2018). There are millions of dollars relating to underground market dealing with organ trade known as the black market. Families in desperate need of help and financial support look to this issue and believe that it is the one and only option for them. “Fewer are aware that a massive and legitimate industry has been built around the trade of human remains” (Boyer,2012).  Illegal organ trade on the black market should be considered unethical because it targets poor, creates major medical problems and aids to the transplant tourism issue.   When it comes to organ transplants and the black market there is one common difference related to t

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[Solved] Definition.docx ENG-106-O501 Definition Argumentative Essay Organ trade and donation,

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  • Submitted On 26 Jul, 2022 01:53:34
Answer posted by
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Definition.docx ENG-106-O501 Definition Argumentative Essay Organ trade and donation, an idea that when mentioned is argued and debated to an extent that not a lot of people understand. It is the question that everyone gets asked when get an ID or drivers license, it is what makes other people question their ethics. Every person is granted the decision on whether to keep their...
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