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  • Submitted On 04 Mar, 2022 02:52:45
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TEST BANK FOR BRUNNER AND SUDDARTH ’S TEXTBOOK OF MEDICAL SURGICAL NURSING 14TH EDITION TEST BANK with Complete Questions and Solutions. To clarify, this is the TEST BANK, not the textbook. You get immediate access to download your test bank. You will receive a complete test bank; in other words, all chapters will be there. Test banks come in PDF format; therefore, you do not need specialized software to open them. Exam (elaborations) TEST BANK FOR BRUNNER AND SUDDARTH’S TEXTBOOK OF MEDICAL SURGICAL NURSING 14TH EDITION Test Bank - Brunner & Suddarth's Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing 14e (Hinkle 2017) 1 Table of Contents Table of Contents Chapter 01: Health Care Delivery and Evidence-Based Nursing Practice Chapter 02: Community-Based Nursing Practice Chapter 03: Critical Thinking, Ethical Decision Making and the Nursing Process Chapter 04: Health Education and Promotion Chapter 05: Adult Health and Nutritional Assessment Chapter 06: Individual and Family Homeostasis, Stress, and Adaptation Chapter 07: Overview of Transcultural Nursing Chapter 08: Overview of Genetics and Genomics in Nursing Chapter 09: Chronic Illness and Disability Chapter 10: Principles and Practices of Rehabilitation Chapter 11: Health Care of the Older Adult Chapter 12: Pain Management Chapter 13: Fluid and Electrolytes: Balance and Disturbance Chapter 14: Shock and Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome Chapter 15: Management of Patients with Oncologic Disorders Chapter 16: End-of-Life Care Chapter 17: Preoperative Nursing Management Chapter 18: Intraoperative Nursing Management Chapter 19: Postoperative Nursing Management Chapter 20: Assessment of Respiratory Function Chapter 21: Respiratory Care Modalities Chapter 22: Management of Patients With Upper Respiratory Tract Disorders Chapter 23: Management of Patients with Chest and Lower Respiratory Tract Disorders 1 3 22 41 64 83 104 124 144 164 183 220 240 260 280 300 319 338 357 376 396 415 434 453 Chapter 24: Management of Patients With Chronic Pulmonary Disease Chapter 25: Assessment of Cardiovascular Function Chapter 26: Management of Patients With Dysrhythmias and Conduction Problems Chapter 27: Management of Patients With Coronary Vascular Disorders Chapter 28: Management of Patients With Structural, Infectious, and Inflammatory Cardiac Disorders Chapter 29: Management of Patients With Complications from Heart Disease Chapter 30: Assessment and Management of Patients With Vascular Disorders and Problems of Peripheral Circulation Chapter 31: Assessment and Management of Patients With Hypertension Chapter 32: Assessment of Hematologic Function and Treatment Modalities Chapter 33: Management of Patients With Nonmalignant Hematologic Disorders Chapter 34: Management of Patients With Hematologic Neoplasms Chapter 35: Assessment of Immune Function Chapter 36: Management of Patients With Immune Deficiency Disorders Chapter 37: Assessment and Management of Patients With Allergic Disorders Chapter 38: Assessment and Management of Patients With Rheumatic Disorders Chapter 39: Assessment of Musculoskeletal Function Chapter 40: Musculoskeletal Care Modalities Chapter 41: Management of Patients With Musculoskeletal Disorders Chapter 42: Management of Patients With Musculoskeletal Trauma Chapter 43: Assessment of Digestive and Gastrointestinal Function Chapter 44: Digestive and Gastrointestinal Treatment Modalities Chapter 45: Management of Patients with Oral and Esophageal Disorders Chapter 46: Management of Patients with Gastric and Duodenal Disorders Chapter 47: Management of Patients With Intestinal and Rectal Disorders 472 490 508 526 545 564 582 601 620 638 656 674 692 710 728 746 764 782 800 819 837 855 874 893Test Bank - Brunner & Suddarth's Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing 14e (Hinkle 2017) 2 Chapter 48: Assessment and Management of Patients with Obesity Chapter 49: Assessment and Management of Patients with Hepatic Disorders Chapter 50: Assessment and Management of Patients with Biliary Disorders Chapter 51: Assessment and Management of Patients with Diabetes Chapter 52: Assessment and Management of Patients with Endocrine Disorders Chapter 53: Assessment of Kidney and Urinary Function Chapter 54: Management of Patients with Kidney Disorders Chapter 55: Management of Patients with Urinary Disorders Chapter 56: Assessment and Management of Patients With Female Physiologic Processes 911 921 940 959 978 996 1015 1034 1054 Chapter 57: Management of Patients with Female Reproductive Disorders Chapter 58: Assessment and Management of Patients with Breast Disorders Chapter 59: Assessment and Management of Patients With Male Reproductive Disorders 1072 1091 1110 Chapter 60: Assessment of Integumentary Function Chapter 61: Managements of Patients with Dermatologic Problems Chapter 62: Managements of Patients with Burn Injury Chapter 63: Assessment and Management of Patients with Eye and Vision Disorders 1129 1147 1165 Chapter 64: Assessment and Management of Patients with Hearing and Balance Disorders 1184 1203 Chapter 65: Assessment of Neurologic Function Chapter 66: Management of Patients with Neurologic Dysfunction Chapter 67: Management of Patients with Cerebrovascular Disorders Chapter 68: Management of Patients with Neurologic Trauma Chapter 69: Management of Patients with Neurologic Infections, Autoimmune Disorders, and Neuropathies Chapter 70: Management of Patients With Oncologic or Degenerative Neurologic Disorders 1221 1239 1257 1276 1294 1312 Chapter 71: Management of Patients With Infectious Diseases Chapter 72: Emergency Nursing Chapter 73: Terrorism, Mass Casualty, and Disaster Nursing 1331 1349 1367Test Bank - Brunner & Suddarth's Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing 14e (Hinkle 2017) 3 Chapter 01: Health Care Delivery and Evidence-Based Nursing Practice 1. The public health nurse is presenting a health promotion class to a group of new mothers. How should the nurse best define health? A) B) C) D) Ans: Health is being disease free. Health is having fulfillment in all domains of life. Health is having psychological and physiological harmony. Health is being connected in body, mind, and spirit. D Feedback: The World Health Organization (WHO) defines health in the preamble to its constitution as a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease and infirmity. The other answers are incorrect because they are not congruent with the WHO definition of health. 2. A nurse is speaking to a group of prospective nursing students about what it is like to be a nurse. What is one characteristic the nurse would cite as necessary to possess to be an effective nurse? A) B) C) D) Ans: Sensitivity to cultural differences Team-focused approach to problem-solving Strict adherence to routine Ability to face criticism A Feedback: To promote an effective nurse-patient relationship and positive outcomes of care, nursing care must be culturally competent, appropriate, and sensitive to cultural differences. Team-focused nursing and strict adherence to routine are not characteristics needed to be an effective nurse. The ability to handle criticism is important, but to a lesser degree than cultural competence. 3. With increases in longevity, people have had to become more knowledgeable about their health and the professional health care that they receive. One outcome of this phenomenon is the development of organized self-care education programs. Which of the following do these programs prioritize?Test Bank - Brunner & Suddarth's Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing 14e (Hinkle 2017) 4 A) B) C) D) Ans: Adequate prenatal care Government advocacy and lobbying Judicious use of online communities Management of illness D Feedback: Organized self-care education programs emphasize health promotion, disease prevention, management of illness, self-care, and judicious use of the professional health care system. Prenatal care, lobbying, and Internet activities are secondary. 4. The home health nurse is assisting a patient and his family in planning the patients return to work after surgery and the development of postsurgical complications. The nurse is preparing a plan of care that addresses the patients multifaceted needs. To which level of Maslows hierarchy of basic needs does the patients need for self-fulfillment relate? A) B) C) D) Ans: Physiologic Transcendence Love and belonging Self-actualization D Feedback: Maslows highest level of human needs is self-actualization, which includes self-fulfillment, desire to know and understand, and aesthetic needs. The other answers are incorrect because self-fulfillment does not relate directly to them. 5. The view that health and illness are not static states but that they exist on a continuum is central to professional health care systems. When planning care, this view aids the nurse in appreciating which of the following? A) B) Care should focus primarily on the treatment of disease. A persons state of health is ever-changing.Test Bank - Brunner & Suddarth's Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing 14e (Hinkle 2017) 5 C) D) Ans: A person can transition from health to illness rapidly. Care should focus on the patients compliance with interventions. B Feedback: By viewing health and illness on a continuum, it is possible to consider a person as being neither completely healthy nor completely ill. Instead, a persons state of health is ever-changing and has the potential to range from high-level wellness to extremely poor health and imminent death. The other answers are incorrect because patient care should not focus just on the treatment of disease. Rapid declines in health and compliance with treatment are not key to this view of health. 6. A group of nursing students are participating in a community health clinic. When providing care in this context, what should the students teach participants about disease prevention? A) B) C) D) Ans: It is best achieved through attending self-help groups. It is best achieved by reducing psychological stress. It is best achieved by being an active participant in the community. It is best achieved by exhibiting behaviors that promote health. D Feedback: Today, increasing emphasis is placed on health, health promotion, wellness, and self-care. Health is seen as resulting from a lifestyle oriented toward wellness. Nurses in community health clinics do not teach that disease prevention is best achieved through attending self-help groups, by reducing stress, or by being an active participant in the community, though each of these activities is consistent with a healthy lifestyle. 7. A nurse on a medical-surgical unit has asked to represent the unit on the hospitals quality committee. When describing quality improvement programs to nursing colleagues and members of other health disciplines, what characteristic should the nurse cite? A) B) C) D) These programs establish consequences for health care professionals actions. These programs focus on the processes used to provide care. These programs identify specific incidents related to quality. These programs seek to justify health care costs and systems.Test Bank - Brunner & Suddarth's Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing 14e (Hinkle 2017) 6 Ans: B Feedback: Numerous models seek to improve the quality of health care delivery. A commonality among them is a focus on the processes that are used to provide care. Consequences, a focus on incidents, and justification for health care costs are not universal characteristics of quality improvement efforts. 8. Nurses in acute care settings must work with other health care team members to maintain quality care while facing pressures to care for patients who are hospitalized for shorter periods of time than in the past. To ensure positive health outcomes when patients return to their homes, what action should the nurse prioritize? A) B) C) D) Ans: Promotion of health literacy during hospitalization Close communication with insurers Thorough and evidence-based discharge planning Participation in continuing education initiatives C Feedback: Following discharges that occur after increasingly short hospital stays, nurses in the community care for patients who need high-technology acute care services as well as long-term care in the home. This is depend...
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