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MIS608 Assessment 3 (Assignment 3 - Agile Case Study Report)

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Task Summary


In this group assignment, you are required to produce a 2500 words report for the organisation presented in the case scenario.




Agile teams and agile ways of working are becoming more prevalent in workplaces and it is likely that you will be a part of an agile team in your career. However, agile is very different from the more traditional ‘waterfall’ project management practice. This assessment will ensure that you are well-versed in the philosophies and practice associated with Agile so that you have sufficient knowledge to join and agile team or implement agile practices in your future career.

Task Instructions:

1. Team Formation and Registration

• Form teams of 3-4 members.

• The deadline for team registration is 11:45pm AEST Friday end of Module 1.2 (Week 2).

• To register your team, you are required to send your Learning Facilitator an email with “[MIS608] Team Registration” in the subject line. In the body of that email, please list the n ames and student I D n umbers of all the members of your team.

• You are required to send the registration email to your facilitator before the registration deadline.

• After the registration deadline, those students who are not in a team will be allocated to a team by the Learning Facilitator.


2. Team Contract

Please read the attached MIS608_Assessment 3_Team Contract.

• Each team is required to complete their team contract as part of the Learning Activity for Module 2.1 (Week 3).

3. Case Study

Please read the attached MIS608_Assessment 3_Case Study.

4. Kanban Boards

• Each group is required to complete Kanban boards as part of learning activities from Module

2.1 (Week 3) up to and including Module 5.2 (Week 10).

• This will need to be included in the appendices of the assessment as evidence of practice.

5. Final Group Report

Write a 2500 words group report following the structure outlined below:


Title page

Should include the subject code and subject n ame, assignment title, all student’s n ames and student  in the group and the lecturer’s n ame.

Executive summary: While this report is brief – it will require an Executive Summary, which does not form part of the overall word count.

Introduction (300-350 words): will also serve as your statement of purpose for the report.

This means that you will tell the reader what you are going to cover in your report. You will need to inform the reader of:

a. Your area of research and its context

b. The key concepts you will be addressing,

c. What the reader can expect to find in the body of the report

Body of the report (1800 – 2000 words): will need to respond to the specific requirements of the case study. The areas you will be required to cover are:

a. Agile ceremonies

b. Agile requirements

c. Lean Startup tools used in Agile

d. Agile estimating and planning

e. Agile velocity

f. Scaling Agile after initial success

g. Release planning and cadence

The conclusion (300-350 words): will summarise any findings or recommendations that the report puts forward regarding the concepts covered in the report.


Please include the following documents in the appendices:

Team contract

Kanban boards from Module 2.1 (Week 3) up to and including Module 5.2 (Week 10).


6. Report Format and Layout

The report should use font Arial or Calibri 11 point, should be line spaced at 1.5 for ease of reading and page n umbers on the bottom of each page.

If diagrams or tables are used, due attention should be given to pagination to avoid loss of meaning and continuity by unnecessarily splitting information over two pages. Diagrams must carry the appropriate captioning.

7. Referencing


It is essential that you use appropriate APA style for citing and referencing research. Please see more information on referencing here


Submission Instructions

Submit Assessment 3 via the Assessment l ink in the main navigation menu in MIS608 Agile Project Management. The Learning Facilitator will provide feedback via the Grade Centre in the L M S portal. Feedback can be viewed in My Grades.


MIS608 - Agile Project Management - Assessment 3 Case Study B

Your team:


You will form a team of 3-4 students from your class by the deadline specified in the Assessment Brief. Owing to the nature of the assessment, you will need to work together as an Agile Team to complete your assessment. This is an authentic assessment, and you will use Agile practices in the delivery of your final report.

We expect to see the level of professionalism from your team that can be expected from consultants at a leading consulting practice who are working together collaboratively on a client project. Your manager, a partner at a major consulting firm is hoping that your report will create the right impact to open the door to a more extensive project which will help them to implement Agile in their business. Your team are Agile domain experts.

Your way of working:

1. You will need to negotiate a team contract in week 2 and submit this contract to your Learning Facilitator by the end of Module 1.2 for their review. Meeting this deadline sets the tone for your team performance and avoids disappointment later. We have also seen an indication that on time-delivery of the team contract has a positive impact on team outcomes. Teams that work together successfully get better grades. Your Team Contract document will also need to be included in your report.

2. Each week the team will conduct a Sprint, the outputs of which will be included in your report. This is vital to embed your knowledge and improve your learning outcomes.

3. You will need to complete 6 Kanbans - one each week from Module 3.1 until Module 5.2- as evidence of your practice. These will need to be attached to your final assessment submission.

Your mission:

You will be guided by your Learning Facilitator in using Agile practices to produce a product. This product is the report to your client where you will make it clear to them about how Agile can benefit their business and the areas they will need to focus on to achieve the required change. Often something can seem very simple of paper - but putting it into practice can offer you deeper insights as a practitioner. Your team will use Agile practices to manage your project to create that product of a report for your client. This is to ensure that you do not only have a theoretical understanding of what Agile is, but that you have also experienced how to use the tools and techniques.

Your client:

Your client is a leading motor vehicle manufacturer. They realise that their traditional business model is under threat and have decided to revitalise their business model. They are setting up a separate subsidiary company as an end-to-end separate innovation unit.

This exciting new company will be known as Perun, and will focus solely on the design, manufacture, marketing, and distribution of their electric motor vehicles (EMV’s). As part of their mission, they will be looking to disrupt the traditional dealership model for sales and marketing by creating a digital dealership network.

While the company is looking to draw on their existing strengths and expertise, they are aware that their current IT department and PMO are highly skilled in the waterfall way of working using predictive planning practices. While this worked well in supporting the traditional dealer network, the new digital focus of their business is going to require a new way of working which will allow them to rapidly respond to customer needs. Long projects, months in the making before anything can be released will not suit their needs.

Your report will require you to cover the following concepts:

1. Lean Startup Tools

2. How Agile manages requirements - epics, stories, backlogs and prioritisation

3. Agile ceremonies - and how they support Kaizen

4. Agile planning, velocity and estimation

5. Scaling Agile after initial success

6. Release planning & cadence

The information supplied about your client is important and needs to be interpreted and addressed in your report. Failing to do so will compromise the grade that you can achieve. This not only means making the case for Agile for the client but also explaining which elements that you have studied will need to be considered as a higher priority than others.

As you need to complete PROJ6000 before this subject, it is expected that you will be able to draw some comparative conclusions between traditional and Agile approaches.

Equally, any presentation that is prospecting for further work needs to create a good impression. Ensure that you have followed the format guidelines - however beyond this, you may be creative and incorporate elements of branding for both your consulting firm and that of your client. Your aim here is that you produce a report of outstanding quality that you can use in interviews to show future employers your professional capability.

Cpourse Name: MIS608 Agile Project Management


All parts included in solution file

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[Solved] MIS608 Assessment 3 (Assignment 3 - Agile Case Study Report)

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  • Submitted On 10 Sep, 2021 09:14:53
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