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Module 2.docx NUR2214 Polypharmacy Rasmussen University NUR2214 Section BNP2 Polyphar

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Module 2.docx  NUR2214  Polypharmacy  Rasmussen University  NUR2214 Section BNP2  Polypharmacy  ``The client problem that the student nurse chose to address is Polypharmacy. Polypharmacy is when an individual is taking too many medications, taking more than five medications would be considered polypharmacy as well as when as patient has multiple providers prescribing different medications for the person. Polypharmacy is an area of concern for elderly because of several reasons. Elderly people are at a greater risk for adverse drug reactions (ADRs) because of the metabolic changes and reduced drug clearance associated with ageing; this risk is furthermore exacerbated by increasing the number of drugs used (Maher, R. L., Hanlon, J., & Hajjar, E. R. (2014)). When medications pile up it can be very complex and can lead to situations such as falls, delirium, or other geriatric syndromes that health care pro

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$ 7.00

[Solved] Module 2.docx NUR2214 Polypharmacy Rasmussen University NUR2214 Section BNP2 Polyphar

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  • Submitted On 04 Jul, 2021 12:08:54
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Module 2.docx NUR2214 Polypharmacy Rasmussen University NUR2214 Section BNP2 Polypharmacy ``The client problem that the student nurse chose to address is Polypharmacy. Polypharmacy is when an individual is taking too many ...
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