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3 2 Prop.docx IT 212 Network Proposal Southern New Hampshire University IT 212: Intro

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3 2 Prop.docx  IT 212  Network Proposal  Southern New Hampshire University   IT 212: Intro to Computer Networks   I believe the best network setup for the Fayetteville, NC location would be based around the distance for connection with the headquarters in Albany, NY. Given the requirements of communication with printers and private files from one state to another the T1 internet setup would have to be installed to compensate. On top of that we would also need an ISP for everyday activities.  The first thing I would say is need from the corporate office is an MPLS network. I believe this would be best due to having several other locations that has to communicate with corporate. I truly believe the foundation should already be established just add the servers for new location. With that being said it would have to be a mixture of peer to peer and client server networks.  The topologies used for this loca

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$ 7.00

[Solved] 3 2 Prop.docx IT 212 Network Proposal Southern New Hampshire University IT 212: Intro

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  • Submitted On 14 Jun, 2021 03:45:12
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3 2 Prop.docx IT 212 Network Proposal Southern New Hampshire University IT 212: Intro to Computer Networks I believe the best network setup for the Fayetteville, NC location would be based around the distance for connecti...
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3 2 Prop.docx IT 212 Network Proposal Southern New Hampshire University IT 212: Intro

3 2 Prop.docx IT 212 Network Proposal Southern New Hampshire University IT 212: Intro to Computer Networks I believe the best network setup for the Fayetteville, NC location would be based around the distance for conne...
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3 2 Prop.docx IT 212 Network Proposal Southern New Hampshire University IT 212: Intro

3 2 Prop.docx IT 212 Network Proposal Southern New Hampshire University IT 212: Intro to Computer Networks I believe the best network setup for the Fayetteville, NC location would be based around the distance for conne...

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