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NR 509 Week 3 Quiz

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  1. Questions: A teenage girl has arrived complaining of pain in her left wrist. She was playing basketball when she fell and landed on her left hand. The FNP examined her hand and will expect a fracture if the girl complains:
  2. Questions: A patient has been diagnosed with osteoporosis and asked the FNP “what is osteoporosis?” The FNP explains to the patient that osteoporosis is defined as:
  3. Questions: Patient states, “I can hear a crunching or grating sound when I kneel”. She also states “that it is very difficult to get out of bed in the morning because of stiffness and pain in my joints”. The FNP should assess for signs of what problem?
  4. Questions: When taking the history on a patient with a seizure disorder the FNP assesses whether the patient has an aura. Which of these would be the best question for obtaining this information?
  5. Questions: The FNP is teaching a class on osteoporosis prevention to a group of post menopausal women. A participant shows that she needs more instruction when she states I will:
  6. Questions: The FNP is performing a neurological assessment on a 41-year-old woman with a history of diabetes. When testing her ability to feel the vibrations of a tuning fork the FNP notices that the patient is unable to feel vibrations on the great toe or ankle bilaterally, but she is able to feel vibrations on both patella. Given this information what would the FNP suspect?
  7. Questions: And 80-year-old woman is visiting the clinic for a check up. She states “I can’t walk as much as I used to”. The FNP is observing from motor dysfunction in her hip and should have her:
  8. Questions: The FNP is testing the function of cranial nerve XI. Which of these best describes the response the FNP should expect if the nerve is intact? The patient:
  9. Questions: A 50-year-old woman is in a clinic for weakness in her left arm and leg that she noticed for the past week. The FNP should perform which type of neurologic examination?
  10. Questions: During the neurological assessment of a healthy 35-year-old patient the FNP asks him to relax his muscles completely. The FNP then moves each extremity through full range of motion. Which of these results would the FNP expect to find?
  11. Questions: A woman who is 8 months pregnant comments that she has noticed a change in posture and is having lower back pain. The FNP tells her that during pregnancy women have a posture shift to compensate for the enlarging fetus. This shift and posture is known as:
  12. Questions: A patient is able to flex his right arm forward without difficulty or pain but is unable to abduct his arm because of pain and muscle spasm’s. The FNP should suspect:
  13. Questions: A professional tennis player comes into the clinic complaining of a sore elbow. The FNP will assess for tenderness at the:
  14. Questions: The FNP suspect that a patient has carpal tunnel syndrome and wants to perform the Phalens test. To perform this task the FNP should instruct the patient to:
  15. Questions: During the history a patient tells the FNP that “it feels like the room is spinning around me”. The FNP would document this as:
  16. Questions: The assessment of a 60-year-old patient has taken longer than anticipated. In testing his pain perception the FNP decides to complete the test as quickly as possible. When the FNP applies the sharp point of a pin on his arm several times he is only able to identify these as one very sharp prick. What would be the most accurate explanation for this?
  17. Questions: An 85-year-old patient comments during his annual physical that “he seems to be getting shorter as he ages”. The FNP should explain that decrease height occurs with aging because:
  18. Questions: A patient is complaining of pain in his joints that is worse in the morning, is better after he has moved around for a while, and then gets worse again if he sits for long periods of time. The FNP should assess for other signs of what problem?
  19. Questions: When the FNP asks a 68-year-old patient to stand with feet together and arms at his side with his eyes closed he starts to sway and moves his feet farther apart. The FNP would document this finding as:
  20. Questions: During an assessment of the cranial nerves the FNP finds the following asymmetry when the patient smiles or frowns, uneven lifting of eyebrows, sagging of lower eyelids, and escape of air when the FNP presses against the right path cheek. This would indicate dysfunction of which of these cranial nerves?
  21. Questions: The FNP is teaching a class on osteoporosis prevention to a group of postmenopausal women which of these actions is the best way to prevent or delay bone loss in this group?
  22. Questions: In obtaining a history on a 74 year old patient the FNP notes that he drinks alcohol daily and that he has noticed a tremor in his hands that affects his ability to hold thing. With this information what should the FNP‘s response be?
  23. Questions: During a history of a 78-year-old man his wife states that “he occasionally has problems with short-term memory loss and confusion. He can’t even remember how to button his shirt”. In doing the assessment of his sensory system which action of the FNP‘s is most appropriate?
  24. Questions: While obtaining a history of a 3 month old infant from the mother the FNP asks about the infants ability to suck and grass the mothers finger. What is the FNP assessing?
  25. Questions: The FNP is doing an assessment on a 29-year-old woman who visits the clinic complaining of always dropping things and falling down. While testing rapid alternating movements the FNP notices that the woman is unable to pat both her knees. Her response is very slow and she misses frequently. What should the FNP suspect?

NR 509 Week 3 Quiz (Version 2)

  1. What piece of equipment can be used to test for peripheral neuropathy
  2. How would you test for Romberg sign
  3. Diagnosis for patient with complaint of room spinning
  4. Know expected postural changes in pregnancy
  5. Know what the phalen’s test is and how to conduct it
  6. Hands back to back for 60 secs looking for development of
  7. Positive Phalen’s test
  8. Older pt that can’t remember to tie shoes in order to assess this you first want to?
  9. What is loss of bone density
  10. Disease that is accompanied by joint pain in the morning that improves with movement and worsens with sitting
  11. What is summation effect and what does it mean
  12. Know what is normal findings in passive ROM
  13. … evaluate a pt with migraines in regard to if they have an aura
  14. Know abnormal finding of rotator cuff
  15. Know the type of neuro exam to complete on a pt presenting with one sided weakness
  16. Understand tennis elbow
  17. Know common reflexes at various ages
  18. What tremors improve with ETOH
  19. Understand CN 11
  20. What concerns exist when pt is slow with RAM
  21. R/O MS
  22. Know education for pts on exercises that help to prevent osteoporosis
  23. What does hip abduction reveal
Available Answer
$ 17.49

[Solved] NR 509 Week 3 Quiz

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  • Submitted On 05 Jan, 2021 11:10:55
Answer posted by
Online Tutor Profile
Questions: A teenage girl has arrived complaining of pain in her left wrist. She was playing basketball when she fell and landed on her left hand. The FNP examined her hand and will expect a fracture if the girl complains: Questions: A patient has been diagnosed with osteoporosis and asked the FNP “what is osteoporosis?” The FNP explains to the patient that osteoporosis is defined as: Questions: Patient states, “I can hear a crunching or grating sound when I kneel”. She also states “that it is very difficult to get out of bed in the morning because of stiffness and pain in my joints”. The FNP should assess for signs of what problem? Questions: When taking the history on a patient with a seizure disorder the FNP assesses whether the patient has an aura. Which of these would be the best question for obtaining this information? Questions: The FNP is teaching a class on osteoporosis prevention to a group of post menopausal women. A participant shows that she needs more instruction when she states I will: Questions: The FNP is performing a neurological assessment on a 41-year-old woman with a history of diabetes. When testing her ability to feel the vibrations of a tuning fork the FNP notices that the patient is unable to feel vibrations on the great toe or ankle bilaterally, but she is able to feel vibrations on both patella. Given this information what would the FNP suspect? Questions: And 80-year-old woman is visiting the clinic for a check up. She states “I can’t walk as much as I used to”. The FNP is observing from motor dysfunction in her hip and should have her: Questions: The FNP is testing the function of cranial nerve XI. Which of these best describes the r...
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