self-assessment by the Association for Talent Development (ATD): Self-Assessment Written Response
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The American Society for Training and Development (ASTD) Trainer’s Sourcebook on Diversity
Valuing Diversity Self-Assessment – Worksheet
Rate yourself openly and honestly on a scale of 1 to 5 for each item.
Rarely Sometimes Always
1. I understand the agency’s diversity goals
2. I regularly assess my strengths and weaknesses in the areas
of diversity, and I consciously try to improve myself.
3. I’m always asking questions. I’m curious about new things
and people.
4. When I don’t understand what someone says, I ask for
5. I’m committed to respecting all co-workers, customers, and
6. I work willingly and cooperatively with people different
from me.
7. I recognize how bonding with my own group may exclude,
or be perceived as excluding others.
8. I can communicate with and influence people who are
different from me in positive ways.
9. I’m interested in the ideas of people, who don’t think as I do,
and I respect their opinions even when I disagree.
10. Some of my friends are different from me in age, race,
background, etc.
11. I recognize I’m a product of my background: my way isn’t
the only way.
12. I’m aware of my prejudices and consciously try to control
my assumptions about people.
13. I try to help others understand my differences.
14. I work to make sure that people who are different from me
are heard and are respected.
The American Society for Training and Development (ASTD) Trainer’s Sourcebook on Diversity
15. I help others succeed by sharing unwritten rules and
showing them how to function better.
16. I apologize when I’ve offended someone.
17. I resist the temptation to make another group the scapegoat
when something goes wrong.
18. I think of the impact of my comments and actions before
I speak or act.
19. I refrain from repeating rumors that reinforce prejudice
and bias.
20. I recognize and avoid using language that reinforce
21. I include people different from me in informal networks
and events.
22. I believe and convey the nontraditional employees are as
skilled and competent as others.
23. I get to know people as individuals who are different
from me.
24. I turn over responsibility to people who are different from
me as often as I do people who are like me.
25. I disregard physical characteristics when interacting with others
and when making decisions about competence or ability.
26. I avoid generalizing the behavior or attitudes of one
individual to an entire group.
(e.g, “All men are…” “All black people are…”)
27. I say “I think that’s inappropriate” when I think someone is
making a derogatory comment or joke.
Please take the attached valuing diversity self-assessment by the Association for Talent Development (ATD), answering as honestly as you can. Some questions may not be applicable to your personal situ ation. If so, skip them. Provide a rating for each of the remaining questions that you are able to answer and score the results. There's an attachment that details what the score means. Prepare a two page, double spaced, written response (in either MS Word or pdf format) evaluating your own personal outcomes of the assessment. What did you learn or confirm about yourself? Is there a particular area of diversity leadership that you would like to know more about? Only share information that you are comfortable sharing in this assignment. PLEASE SUBMIT TWO (2) ITEMS: YOUR SELF ASSESSMENT SCORES AND YOUR WRITTEN RESPONSE The American Society for Training and Development (ASTD) Trainer’s Sourcebook on Diversity Valuing Diversity Self-Assessment – Worksheet Rate yourself openly and honestly on a scale of 1 to 5 for each item. Rarely Sometimes Always
28. I recognize that others may stereotype me, and I try to
overcome incorrect assumptions that they may make.
Score by column ____+______+_____+_____+______
=Total Score
[Solved] self-assessment by the Association for Talent Development (ATD): Self-Assessment Written Response
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- Submitted On 11 Apr, 2020 07:48:35
- Quizmaster
- Rating : 1
- Grade : A+
- Questions : 0
- Solutions : 633
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- Earned : $1076.70