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ARH ART CLAS 329: Critical Thinking Question (Discussion): Module 1 to 10

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CTQ 1: How has democracy developed since this form of government took place in Greece? Are we currently living under the same ideals? 2. What role did the Renaissance Humanism play in the developmen t of western culture? How did the Renaissance change the world? What role did the Renaissance Humanism play in the development of western culture? How did the Renaissance change the world? Discuss the music of Loreena McKennitt and her connection with the Pre-Raphaelite movement. It is there any connection between another contemporary artist that you admire and an art style this strong? How? What role did Thomas Edison play in the development of the movies? Would you consider him to be a hero or a villain or neither one? Why? Discuss the significance of Méliès' film Le Voyage dans la lune (1902). What were some of Méliès' innovative ideas that influenced the cinema? Edvard Munch had many influences on his art and life. What were these? Were all of them artistic, or did some come from other areas? How did art develop in France in the later 19th and early 20th centuries as opposed to Germany? What do you think caused the changes in artistic characteristics in art history? What are some of the principal themes that are offered in Metropolis? And how many parallels do you see in today's United States? To what extent did Metropolis reflect the new styles of architecture emerging in the later 19th and early 20th centuries? How did the American skyscraper evolve and what sorts of inventions made it possible?

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$ 10.00

[Solved] ARH ART CLAS 329: Critical Thinking Question (Discussion): Module 1 to 10

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  • Submitted On 04 Mar, 2020 06:28:38
Answer posted by
Online Tutor Profile
CTQ 1: How has democracy developed since this form of government took place in Greece? Are we currently living under the same ideals? 2. What role did the Renaissance Humanism play in the developmen t of western culture? How did the Renaissance change the world? What role did the Renaissance Humanism play in the development of western culture? How did the Renaissance change the ...
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ARH ART CLAS 329: Critical Thinking Question (Discussion): Module 1 to 10

CTQ 1: How has democracy developed since this form of government took place in Greece? Are we currently living under the same ideals? 2. What role did the Renaissance Humanism play in the developmen t of western culture? How ...

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