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University Of Arizona - CLAS 329Art History Study Guide

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Post- Impressionism -During the 19th century -Mainly in France and Germany -Two popular trends -Emotional content -Formality structure -People were drawn to bright colors and the use of v isible distinctive brush strokes Symbolist Movement -During the 19th century -People in this movement were attracted to mythology and the world of imagination. -Emphasized on psychology phenomena Fauvism -1905 -Involved bright vivid colors -Leader of the Fauvism was Henry Matisse in France -Matisse painted “Woman with the Hat” that showed the fauvism Expressionism -Started in Germany -Similar to Fauvism -Expressionist artist used colors to create a mood and emotion -Artist more interested in expressing possibilities rather than formality and structure Die Brucke -Group that was started by four German architecture students -Translated into “The Bridge” -Groups intention was to create a link between their art and modern revolutionary art. -Lasted from 1905-1913 Synthetic Cubism Seen as the return of bright vivid colors -Flat shape colors were used to create objects - Example: “Three Musicians” painted by Picasso -Paintings had flat shapes tat were used to create a collage Bauhaus -German version of the International style -Aim was to improve the manufacturing of goods and it’s quality of industrial architecture. -Group leader was Walter Groupius Le Corbusier -1920s – 1930s -Best known for International style in France -Example: “Villa Savage”, weekend house built in Poissey close to France International Style -First started at the end of World War 1 -Architecture style was developed in Western Europe -Originated in many areas Dada -During World War 1 -Started in Switzerland -More of an idea rather than a style -Artistic international and literacy movement Surrealism -Sense of a higher reality or state of being that is more real that in appears -Dada members were interested in this Analytical Cubism -Fragmented objects into abstract geometric forms Op Art -Also “optical” art -During the 1960s -Eliminated recognizable art to form geometric abstraction -Art issued kinetic effects to arrange colors, lines and shapes or combined all of them People Cezanne -1839-1906 -Post-Impressionist -Impacted the development of Western paintings -Transformed paint into a visible structure -Obsessed with using black and violent or erotic themes in his paintings Van Gogh -1853-1890 -Greatest Dutch artist since the Baroque period. -“Starry Night” (1889) -Painted this while he was in an asylum -Painted many self portraits Paul Gaugin -1826-1903 -Used dynamic characters on pictorial surfaces and bright colors -Started his career under aegis of the Impressionist -Used traditional reclining nudes both a sense of danger and suspicion in his paintings Gustave Moreau -1826-1898 -Leader of the symbolist movement in France -“Galatea” -Depicts a imagery scene from Greek mythology Edvard Munch -1863-1944 -Norwegian artist -“The Scream” (1893) -Shows his own disintegration -Used mixture of Post-Impressionist and Symbolist in his paintings Picasso -1881-1973 -Spanish artist that dominated the first half of the 20th century -Also made sculptures besides paintings -“The Old Guitarist” -Painted during his blue period -Depicts mood of state of mind Emil Nolde -1867-1956 -German expressionist -Spent only a year in “The Bridge” group -“Still Life with Masks” -Combined bright colors and thick paint to add intensity effect Mondrian -1872-1944 -Started off as a painter of nature but was influenced by cubism and transformed imagery into flat rectangles -“Broadway Boogie Woogie” -Painted while he was living in New York -In painting he combined the beat of the city with musical reference Frank Lloyd Wright -1869-1959 -Major American architect -Built weekend house for Kauffmann family -Launched the Paire Style -A mix of architecture and natural landscape Marcel Duchamp -1887-1968 -Major proponent of the Dada -Combined wordplay with punning into his work -Created a magazine -“Wrong Rong” Salvador Dali -1904-1989 -Spanish artist -Famous for using melting clocks and elements referring to watches and eggs -“The Persistence of Memory” -Portrays the uncanny quality of certain dreams -Has melting clocks Rene Margritte -1898-1967 -Belgium artist -Painted surrealist images of a more veristic kind -“Time Transfixed” -Had two unfamiliar objects in order to invoke the unfamiliar Hans Hoffman -1880-1966 -Influential emigrant from Germany -Taught art at the Art Student League in New York -Famous for “The Gate” -An architectural construction in paint Joseph Adlers -1888-1976 -Influential German emigrant like Hans Hoffman -Taught at the Art Student League with Hans Hoffman -Had a series of paints name “Homage of the Square” Ellsworth Kelly -Born 1923 -Hard-edge color field painter -“Spectrum III” -Bands on color create visual movement -Used a lot of tectile effect Pop Art -During the 1960s -Origins were from England 1950s but emerged in America in the 1960s -Art was derived from commercial sources, media, and everyday life -Artist strove for “objectivity” that had an imagery of objects Jasper Johns -Born in 1930 -Used themes that boundary between everyday objects and work of art -“Three Flags” -Flags that are built up with superior impose canvas strips -Transitioned from abstract expression to Pop Art Andy Warhol -1928-1987 -Chief example of the Pop art lifestyle -Created work that monumentalized American icons -Example: “Campbell Soup” -Illustrates his taste for commercial art Roy Lichtenstein -1923-1987 -Best known for his comic books -Monumentalized flat, clear comic book drawings with dialogue balloons -Example: “Torped…Los!” -One of his works that is inspired by war comics Tom Wesselmann -Born in 1931 -Combined three-dimensional forms with flat geometric abstraction -Example: “Great American Nude Series” -Series combines Hollywood pinups and traditional reclining nudes

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[Solved] University Of Arizona - CLAS 329Art History Study Guide

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  • Submitted On 04 Mar, 2020 09:39:37
Answer posted by
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Post- Impressionism -During the 19th century -Mainly in France and Germany -Two popular trends -Emotional content -Formality structure -People were drawn to bright colors and the use of v isible distinctive brush strokes Symbolist Movement -During the 19th century -People in this movement were attracted to mythology and the world of imagination. -Emphasized on psychology phenomena Fauvism -1905 -Involved bright vivid colors -Leader of the Fauvism was Henry Matisse in France -Matisse painted “Woman with the Hat” that showed the fauvism Expressionism -Started in Germany -Similar to Fauvism -Expressionist artist used colors to create a mood and emotion -Artist more interested in expressing possibilities rather than formality and structure Die Brucke -Group that was started by four German architecture students -Translated into “The Bridge” -Groups intention was to create a link between their art and modern revolutionary art. -Lasted from 1905-1913 Synthetic Cubism Seen as the return of bright vivid colors -Flat shape colors were used to create objects - Example: “Three Musicians” painted by Picasso -Paintings had flat shapes tat were used to create a collage Bauhaus -German version of the International style -Aim was to improve the manufacturing of goods and it’s quality of industrial architecture. -Group leader was Walter Groupius Le Corbusier -1920s – 1930s -Best known for International style in France -Example: “Villa Savage”, weekend house built in Poissey...
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