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HRM 326 Final Exam Answers | Complete

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1. Business strategy influences how the company uses all of the following capitals EXCEPT:

a.       Physical capital

b.      Financial capital

c.       Human capital

d.      Internal capital

2.      To use _________ to gain a competitive advantage requires linking the company’s human resources practices (such as training and development) to the business strategy.

a.       Virtual capital

b.      Human capital

c.       Financial capital

d.      Physical capital

3.      This provides employees with immediate access to information, advice, and guidance.

a.       Diversification of the learning portfolio

b.      Improved customer service

c.       Creating a sharing knowledge

d.      Electronic performance support systems (EPSS)

4.      Centralized training means that training and development programs, resources, and professionals are primarily housed in one location and decisions about training investment, programs, and delivery methods are made from inter-related departments.

a.       True

b.      False

5.      Research suggests that the company satisfaction with the outsourcing of training and development depends on company-supplier trust and the specificity of the contract.

a.       True

b.      False

6.       An organizational analysis involves determining the appropriateness of training, based on all the following parameters, EXCEPT:

a.       The company’s business strategy

b.      The resources available for training

c.       Support by managers  and peers for training activities

d.      The competition’s market standing

7.      A mid-level manager questioning aspects such as who should be trained is involved with which variable of needs assessment?

a.       Organizational analysis

b.      Task analysis

c.       Person analysis

d.      Feedback analysis

8.      The following are all advantages associated with online technology (software) method of needs assessment EXCEPT:

a.       Objectiveness

b.      Can explore unanticipated issues that may surface

c.       Requires limited human involvement

d.      Minimizes interruption of work

9.      With respect to person analysis, a major pressure point for training is poor or substandard rewards system:

a.       True

b.      False

10.  Trainees need to understand what specifically they are expected to learn in the training program.

a.       True

b.      False

11.  Regardless of the training methods, all of the following are some of the conditions which must be present for learning to occur, EXCEPT:

a.       Providing opportunities for trainees to practice and receive feedback

b.      Conducting guest lectures and involving established trainers

c.       Identifying any prerequisites that trainees need to successfully complete the program

d.      Allowing trainees to learn through observation and experience.

12.  This includes specialized knowledge that employees need in their jobs.

a.       Intellectual skills

b.      Attitudes

c.       Verbal information

d.      Motor skills

13.  This relates to the learner’s decision regarding what information to attend, how to remember and how to solve programs

a.       Cognitive strategies

b.      Intellectual skills

c.       Attitudes

d.      Verbal information

14.  Pedagogy gives the instructor major responsibility for making decisions about learning content, method, and evaluation

a.       True

b.      False

15.  Seating arrangement at the training site should be based on an understanding of the desired type of trainee interaction and trainee-trainer interaction.

a.       True

b.      False

16.  ______ refers to the collection of information – including what, when, how, and from whom – that will be used to determine the effectiveness of the training program.

a.       Training effectiveness

b.      Training outcomes

c.       Evaluation design

d.      Training evaluation

17.  What provides a way to understand the investments that training produces and provides information needed to improve training?

a.       Evaluative design

b.      Training evaluation

c.       Training effectiveness

d.      Training criteria

18.  _______ can be used as a “dress rehearsal” to show the program to managers, trainees, and customers.

a.       Evaluative training

b.      Summative evaluation

c.       Formative evaluation

d.      Pilot testing

19.  Identify the third level outcome amongst the following Kirkpatrick’s four-level framework for categorizing training outcomes.

a.       Results

b.      Behavior

c.       Learning

d.      Reactions

20.  Skill-based outcomes include acquisition or learning of skills and use of skills on the jobs.

a.       True

b.      False

21.  All of the following are the most frequently used training techniques EXCEPT:

a.       Computer-based games and simulations

b.      Instructor-led classrooms

c.       Workgroups and manuals

d.      Role plays

22.  The following are all advantages of using videos as a component of training EXCEPT:

a.       Trainers can review, slow down, or speed up the lesson

b.      Trainers can watch the video multiple times if they have access to it during and after the training session.

c.       Trainees are provided with consistent instruction

d.      The dramatic theme of the video enhances the important learning points

23.  In case studies, trainees are required to analyze and critique the actions taken, indicating the appropriate actions and suggesting what might have been done differently

a.       True

b.      False

24.  Meaningfulness of business games are enhanced if they are imaginative

a.       True

b.      False

25.  Vicarious reinforcement occurs when a trainee sees a model being reinforced for using certain behaviors.

a.       True

b.      False



26.  This typically involves videoconferencing and/or computers for the delivery of instructions from a trainer to trainees who are different locations.

a.       Web-based training

b.      Distance learning

c.       E-learning support

d.      Blended learning simulations

27.  Which one of the following is NOT an advantage of e-learning?

a.       Supports the company’s business strategy and objectives

b.      Training can be delivered to geographically dispersed employees

c.       It can link learners to other content, experts, and peers.

d.      Provides ample proof concerning return on investment.

28.  Online learning allows more employees to gain access to these types of programs in a quicker time period than if face-to-face instruction is used.

a.       True

b.      False

29.  Simply providing learning control ensures that trainees will use all the features provided by online learning.

a.       True

b.      False

  1. Which of the following is evidence supporting the assertion that companies are investing in more training?

    1. Higher net sales per employee

    2. Higher gross profits per employee

    3. Higher ratios of market to book value

    4. Both A & B

    5. All of the above

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[Solved] HRM 326 Final Exam Answers | Complete

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  • Submitted On 17 Jul, 2019 01:40:40
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