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Think back to the major HRM challenges facing multinational

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Discussion Answers


Tanya Pettey

Chapter 4: Global Human Resource Management

Discussion Questions and Answers

Mr. Eric Johnson




Discussion Answers


Global Human Resource Management

1. Think back to the major HRM challenges facing multinational corporations. Which

challenges are the most difficult to address?

There are several HRM challenges difficult to address like cost assignment, career management,

finding suitable candidates compliance with local laws and controlling policy exceptions. The

most difficult to address is the “people challenge”. Many global companies has an insufficient

number of top managers and leaders who have the global skills and competencies to help their

firm compete successfully in world markets.


Assume that you've started to expand your company's operations into India and China.

This is the first time that your company is "going international." Should the HR

department recommend the company use an ethnocentric or polycentric staffing approach?

Since this is the first time that your company is going international. The HR department should

recommend the company use a polycentric staffing approach. This is a multinational corporation

(MNC) since they are now moving the business into India and China.


In addition to having good technical skills, what other skills should an expatriate have in

order to be successful in an international assignment?

In addition to having good technical skills, there are other skills that the expatriate have in order

to be successful in an international assignment, such as, the manager’s self-image, he or she

should have levels of self-confidence, self-esteem, and the ability to cope with stress on and off

the job. Another valuable skill is the manager’s normal way of interacting with others, he or she

should have an interpersonal style and the sensitivity to nonverbal communication. A third skill

is the manager’s perceptual orientation, he or she should have the ability to tolerate uncertainty,

Global Human Resource Management



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[Solved] Think back to the major HRM challenges facing multinational

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  • Submitted On 16 Jul, 2018 04:17:51
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Think back to the major HRM challenges facing multinational corporations. Which challenges are the most difficult to address? There are several HRM cha...
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