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YO16_XL_CH04_GRADER_PS1_HW - Advertising 1.3

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YO16_XL_CH04_GRADER_PS1_HW - Advertising 1.3


Project Description:

The marketing manager of the Painted Paradise Golf Resort and Spa, Timothy Smith, has created a spreadsheet of the first six months (first two quarters) of advertising expenses for the various amenities of the resort. He is planning to display the data at the next Board of Directors meeting and wants to create a few charts to make the figures easier to view and the presentation more visually appealing.



For the purpose of grading the project you are required to perform the following tasks:



Points Possible


Start Excel. Open the file named e02ch04_grader_hw_Advertising.xlsx. Save the file with the name e02ch04_grader_hw_Advertising_LastFirst, replacing LastFirst with your last and first name.



On the AdvertisingCosts worksheet, create a Line chart of the data for the total spent on advertising each month from January through June. The primary horizontal axis should be the months of the year, and the Vertical (value) Axis should be the total spent on advertising each month.



Rename the line chart title to Total Advertising Expenses per Month. Change the Vertical Axis minimum to 26000, and change the chart style to Style 12.



Move the line chart to a chart sheet, and rename the sheet AdvertisingPerMonth. If necessary, move the chart sheet to the right of the AdvertisingCosts sheet.



On the AdvertisingCosts worksheet, create a 3-D Pie chart of the amenities and their six-month totals in the range A16:B22. Reposition the chart so the top left corner of the chart is in cell C14.



On the 3-D pie chart, edit the Chart Title to read Semi-Annual Advertising Costs. Apply Style 8 to the chart.



Add Data Callouts as data labels to the 3-D pie chart. Include the category name and percentage in the data labels. Slightly explode the segment of the chart that was allocated the smallest amount of advertising funds. Adjust the rotation of the 3-D Pie chart with a X rotation of 20, a Y rotation of 40, and a Perspective of 10. Modify the 3-D Format by changing the Top bevel to a Relaxed Inset for the Chart Area.



In cells H5:H11, add Column Sparklines that chart the advertising expense by amenity type over the months January to June. Apply the style Sparkline Style Accent 5, Darker 50%.

Note, the style name may be Dark Blue, Sparkline Style Accent 5, Darker 50% depending on the version of Office used.



Insert the File Name in the left footer section of the AdvertisingCosts worksheet.



Save the workbook. Close the workbook and then exit Excel. Submit the workbook as directed.



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$ 10.00

[Solved] YO16_XL_CH04_GRADER_PS1_HW - Advertising 1.3

  • This Solution has been Purchased 5 time
  • Average Rating for this solution is A+
  • Submitted On 05 Jul, 2018 05:54:59
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