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Law 531 week 3 LT_Business Tort and Criminal Liability Presentation_A+ guaranteed

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Law 531 week 3 LT_Business Tort and Criminal Liability Presentation

University of Phoenix

Purpose of Assignment
Why do businesses enter into agency relationships and hire
independent contractors instead of employees. Is it simply cost? Is it a
question of liability, or is it a combination of the two? As you approach
this week's assignment, consider these questions and think about how
they impact risk and what factors in that business create the most risk
for the employees and executives. Is it always the same?
Assignment Steps
Resources: Legal Environment of Business: Online Commerce,
Business Ethics, and Global Issues: Ch. 5, Ch. 6 and Ch. 7
Create a 10- to 12-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation, including
detailed speaker notes (speaker notes not required for introduction,
conclusion, and reference slides). The speaker notes for each slide
should serve as the text for your presentation.
Address the following:
• Individual Team Member Requirement:
• Each team member should create a slide summarizing their Week
3 individual assignment.
• Learning Team Requirements:
• Differentiate between the following Agency types: Express, Implied,
Apparent and Ratification.
• Discuss what classifies a worker as an independent contractor.
• Collaborate and discuss at least 2 business torts and 2 criminal
activities that businesses deal with.
• Defend the collective finding of the Learning Team and its

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Law 531 week 3 LT_Business Tort and Criminal Liability Presentation_A+ guaranteed

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