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FINANCE 6317 - Apply three technology changes covered in the course to your organization

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Apply three technology changes covered in the course to your organization and explain how they will affect your processes and your management. 1) advance materials The paper that you are writing on your organization can cover any technological changes we have covered in class. You are not limited to the one you are exploring in the above assignment. The reason you are posting your articles to Canvas is so that others can have access to them for possible use in this paper. You will focus your paper on three technological changes covered in the course that you believe will affect your organization in the near future. (Any organization is fine) 8 pages minimum. For each of the three technological changes: •Identify the technological changes and explain how they would be implemented in your organization including changes to your organizational process(es) •Explain the changes to your managerial process and/or style that the technological changes would produce. (For example, using video technology for meetings wouldallow employees to work from home or any location in the world with internet access. This would change how these employees are managed and how their performance is measured.) •Explain the expected organizational performance outcomes of implementing these technological changes and how you will measure those outcomes. Presentation of summary is included


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$ 12.50

[Solved] FINANCE 6317 - Apply three technology changes covered in the course to your organization

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  • Submitted On 19 Apr, 2017 02:05:48
Answer posted by
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Technology refers the application of the scientific knowledge for practical purposes. Organization behavior can be defined as the study as well as the application of the knowledge about how individuals, people, and groups in organizations act. It can help in identifying the behavior of people and have a working relationship among the employees. As organizations continue to embrace tech...
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