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Think back over conversations you have had with friends, family

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Think back over conversations you have had with friends, family members, co-workers, or classmates.

Select a conversation in which the other person wanted to talk about something that was troubling him or her. As you replay this conversation in your mind, think about how well you did in terms of empathic listening.

Develop a 1,050-word analysis including:

  • Explain whether you found yourself being critical when the person really just needed someone to listen.
  • Identify whether you let the person know, by your words or actions, you cared about his or her dilemma, even if you were not able to help in any other way.
  • Analyze your listening performance.

Note: Be sure not to disclose any private information; you can change the names of the people involved or the circumstances as needed to maintain privacy.

Format the assignment consistent with APA guidelines.




Develop a 150- to 200-word individual response to the following:

  • Consider the multiple definitions of collaboration.
  • Define collaboration and how you will apply it in this course based upon the discussion with your Learning Team. Be sure to reference and cite your sources.
  • Answer the question individually.
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