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What is used in figuring out length of stay (LOS) | Complete Solution

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  1. Please answer the Multiple Choice Questions.  Subject is Healthcare Statistics.

REFERENCE:  Basic Allied Health Statistics and Analysis - Gerda Koch


1.  What is used in figuring out length of stay (LOS) Total _______.

A.  Patients admitted

B.  Patients discharged

C,  Discharge days

D.  Inpatient census


2.  A patient was admitted on March 24 and discharged on April 9.  How many days of care were rendered?

A.  14

B.  16

C.  17


3.  Which of the following is incorrect with regards to Length of stay (LOS)?

A.  Adm 7-01; Dis 7-01 =1

B.  Adm 8-02; Dis 8-03 = 1

C.  Adm 12-12; Dis 1-05 = 24

D.  All are correct


4.  A patient is admitted to Healthy Hospital on September 12, 2012 and expires on March 21, 2013 (a non leap year).  The Patient will ______.

A.  Decrease the number of service days for 2012

B.  Be credited with 190 discharge days in 2013

c.  None of the above


5.  The average number of days of service rendered to each inpatient discharged during a given period is _________.

A.  Inpatient census

B.  Average length of stay

C,  Bed capacity


6. Which is used to calculate the length of stay?

A.  Patient admissions

B.  Patients discharged

C.  Total discharge days


7.  Abortions would be classified as which fetal death?

A.  Early only

B.  Intermediate only

C.  Early, intermediate and late


8.  A patient comes into the hospital with postpartum hemorrhage.  She delivered two weeks prior on a previous admission.  The service she is categorized under is ________.

A.  Obstetrics - not delivered

B.  Obstetrics - delivered

C. Hematology


9.  Which term best defines the period surrounding birth for both liveborn, stillborn and neonates?

A.  Perinatal

B.  From 28 days of age to 1 year of age

C.  Neonatal



10.  Which term best defines the period from 28 days of age to 1 year of age?

A.  Perinatal

B.  Postnatal

C.  Neonatal


11. Which term defines an early fetal death?

A.  500 grams or less, before 22 weeks of gestation

B.  501 to 1000 grams

C.  1001 grams or more, after 22 weeks of gestation


12.  An inpatient dies.  The medical examiner claims the body and performs his own autopsy.  In which autopsy rate will the patient be included?

A.  All autopsy rates

B.  Net autopsy rate only

C.  Gross autopsy rate only

D.  None of the above


13.  Which of the following are excluded from hospital autopsy rate?

A.  DOA deaths

B.  Fetal deaths

C.  Newborn deaths

D.  Obstetrical deaths


14.  A patient dies in the emergency room and the body is claimed by the medical examiner.  In which autopsy rate is the patient included?

A.  Net autopsy rate only

B.  Hospital autopsy rate only

C.  All autopsy rate

D.  None of the above


15.  In which formulas are newborn, adult and children combined?  Select ALL that Apply:

A.  Net autopsy rate

B.  Gross autopsy rate

C.  Average length of stay

D.  Hospital autopsy rate

E.  Bed occupancy percentage


16.  In which formulas are newborns excluded?  Select ALL that Apply:

A.  Gross autopsy rate

B.  Net autopsy rate

C.  Hospital autopsy rate

D.  Average length of stay

E.  Gross death rate

F.  Bed occupancy percentage

G.  None of these


17.  Which of the following are included in the hospital autopsy rate?  Select ALL that apply:

A.  Former patient dies in a nursing home

B.  Patient die in the Emergency department three hours after being brought in

C.  Asthmatic child dies in the emergency room three hours after being brought in

D.  Previous outpatient dies in the ambulance en route to the hospital


18.  An 80-year old inpatient dies of natural causes.  Which of the following is required?  Select ALL that Apply:

A.  Report completed by the physician performing the autopsy

B.  Coroner's final cause of death

C.  Consent of the next of kin

D.  Tissue specimens


19.  A county reported the following data on breast cancer for the past year  What is the prevalence rate per 100,000?

Number of new cases:  1,774; Number of total cases:  4,192; Population:  5,977,906

A.  29.6 per 10,000

B.  2.97 per 10,000

C.  70.1 per 10,000

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$ 8.00

[Solved] What is used in figuring out length of stay (LOS) | Complete Solution

  • This Solution has been Purchased 1 time
  • Submitted On 11 Jul, 2016 02:46:08
Answer posted by
Online Tutor Profile
1. What is used in figuring out length of stay (LOS) Total _______. A. Patients admitted B. Patients discharged C, Discharge days D. Inpatient census 2. A patient was admitted on March 24 and discharged on April 9. How many days of care were rendered...
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