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 Please remember that you may utilize LIRN

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Directions: Read the questions below and formulate a response to each that is at least one hundred words in length.  Please cite the textbook and external resources to support your answer (Wikipedia sources are not permitted).  List each resource used at the end of paper in the reference list section.  Please remember that you may utilize LIRN to help you search for resources.  You can visit the Academic Resource Center for a guide on how to utilize LIRN successfully
PART II: Journal

Using a minimum of three resources ( is not an option) write a 1 to 2 page paper in APA format to discuss and review your own work, school, and life experiences in which the use of participant observation to gather data would have provided unique insights.  Identify the sides in the conflict.  Where did the “data” or information used by each side in the situation originate?  How, specifically, might the data gathered by a trained anthropologist, who adheres to the anthropological code of ethics, help each side understand the other?


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$ 25.00

[Solved]  Please remember that you may utilize LIRN

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  • Submitted On 18 Apr, 2016 08:33:02
Answer posted by
Online Tutor Profile
Running head: Homework Homework Allied American University Author Note This paper was prepared for Introduction to Anthropology, Homework 3 taught by Barbara-leigh Tonelli.   PART I Directions: Read the questions below and formulate a response to each that is at least one hundred words in length. Please cite the textbook and external resources to support your answer (Wikipedia sources are not permitted). List each resource used at the end of paper in the reference list section. Please remember that you may utilize LIRN to help you search for resources. You can visit the Academic Resource Center for a guide on how to utilize LIRN successfully. There are many things that make a forager a forager. Many forager groups had five things in common that helped them survive. A grouped that foraged did so by hunting, fishing, and collecting wild plants. They succeeded in doing this by using technology mastery. This mastery gives them the knowledge of skills and tools to obtain and prepare food. They also live a nomadic lifestyle moving with their source of food and water. Third they lived in organized groups also called bands. They also had property and ownership. These possessions are usually just the essentials since they must move from place to place. Finally they distributed there resources. A foraging society is a kin based organized group. These groups are made up of people related by marriage, blood, or fictive kin relationships. These groups have a flexible division of labor. A flexible division of labor is the division of work based on age and gender. For instance in some groups women will gather and prepared foods while the men hunt and fish. Everyone contributes to the group’s survival. As a forager one must try to find many different types of food sources. Some of these food sources include berries, nuts, seeds, flowers, fruit, eggs, and many other items. Some other items that are collected by many different groups include insects. These insects have many dietary advantages for those that consumed them. Some of the most important dietary advantages include a high effective way to receive protein. Most of the insects chosen are made up of 17 to 23 percent of protein. Next they are low in fat. Finally they are a great way to receive other minerals and nutrients including iron calcium. There are many different types of subsistence strategies studied by anthropologist. The first is ...
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