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Machine A can perform 3 tasks in 5 seconds | Complete Solution

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1.Machine A can perform 3 tasks in 5 seconds. Machine B can perform 2 tasks in 4 seconds. Which machine can perform  a task faster?  How much faster is this machine than the other?

2.Suppose the clock period is 400 picoseconds. What is the clock rate in gigahertz (GHz)?

3.The portion of time a program spends performing floating-point operations is 30%. A new floating-point co-processor would perform floating-point operations five times as fast. Given that the execution time of a program required 50 seconds without the new floating-point co-processor, what would you expect the execution time of the program to be in seconds with the new floating-point co-processor?

4.Given that a program on a machine requires an average of 4 cycles per instruction, the machine has a 2 GHz clock rate, and the program executes a total of 50,000,000,000 instructions, what is the CPU time in the seconds required by this program ?

5.Consider a computer system, where each processor can independently perform a separate task. Given that the response time on a computer system for a single task is 8 seconds, how long would it take to perform 10 tasks on this system when it has four processors ? What would be the throughput per second for 10 tasks?

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$ 15.00

[Solved] Machine A can perform 3 tasks in 5 seconds | Complete Solution

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  • Submitted On 21 Jan, 2015 12:15:19
Answer posted by
Online Tutor Profile

Time taken by machine A do 1 task : 5/3 secs
Time taken by machine B to do 1 task : 4/2 secs

Performance = 1/execution Time

Performance of A = 3/5 = 0.6
Performance of B = ½ = 0.5

Machine A can perform faster by 0.6/0.5 ti...

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Machine A can perform 3 tasks in 5 seconds | Complete Solution

Time taken by machine A do 1 task : 5/3 secs
Time taken by machine B to do 1 task : 4/2 secs

Performance = 1/execution Time

Performance of A = 3/5 = 0.6
Performance of B = ½ = 0.5


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