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Persuasive Presentation

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Persuasive Presentation
Choose one of the following to complete:

Create an 8- to 10-slide presentation, including detailed speaker notes, based on the Week 4 Persuasive Messages Part I assignment.

Apply the principles of designing effective slides discussed in the textbook as you develop your presentation.

Include at least one visual to support on your slides, for example, using a line chart to show increasing sales. Include the following in presentation slides: Title




Impact if product or service does not sell as much as expected


References -OR- Create a 3- to 5-minute video based on the Week 4 Persuasive Message Part I assignment.

Use an app or program such as Movenote®, Knovio®, Presentme®, or another video recording application to complete this activity. Include the following in the video:





Impact if product or service does not sell as much as expected



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$ 9.00

[Solved] Persuasive Presentation

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  • Submitted On 03 Mar, 2016 11:34:11
Answer posted by
Online Tutor Profile
Create an 8- to 10-slide presentation, including detailed speaker notes, based on the Week 4 Persuasive Messages...
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