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Discuss three principles that you found to be the most surprising | Scored 100%

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1. Discuss three principles that you found to be the most surprising or helpful in, the following website: “ Biggest Mistakes in Web Design, 1995-2015.” What principles will you apply to your own site design? What are the reasons for your choices?

2. When creating a navigation system for your website, what do you think are the top three things that you should be careful of and/or need to include in your work? Include examples and explanations for your choices.

3. What is the difference between an absolute URL and a relative URL? When would you use an absolute URL and when would you use a relative URL? Include examples and explanations for your choices.

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$ 8.00

[Solved] Discuss three principles that you found to be the most surprising | Scored 100%

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  • Submitted On 25 Dec, 2014 09:26:13
Answer posted by
Online Tutor Profile

that Absolute URL is the complete web address while Relative URL is the partial we...

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