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IT 340: Final Project | Complete Solution

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IT 340: Final Project | Complete Solution



What is the boot loader used by most Linux systems today? - GRUB


What file defines commands that are to be run when the system enters a run level? - /etc/inittab


What mode may you enter to start-up the system manually if you encountered an error during a previous boot attempt? - Single user mode


At what run level does x-windows normally run in? - Run Level 5


In which directory are the rclevel.d script directories stored? - init.d


What command do you use to reboot a Linux system? - shutdown -r, but halt first


What is not a recommended way to shutdown a Linux system? - Hold down the power button


In Linux what is the folder where the kernel is typically stored? - kernel is usually some variation of /boot/vmlinuz.


What method is used to spawn a process in Linux? - forking


What is the name of the config file for the GRUB bootloader? - /boot/grub/grub.conf


What is the initial hardware bootcode on a Personal Computer (PC) known as? - BIOS


What process executes the system startup scripts on Linux systems? - init executes the system startup scripts


At what run level is the Linux system complete shut down? - Run Level 0


What what run level does a Linux system normally reboot? - 6


What command do you issue to switch run levels in the linux operating system? - telinit


In what file are User Identification Numbers (UIDs) mapped to usernames? - /etc/passwd


Most secure linux environments only allow root access through what method? - console


What command is used to switch to a different user in terminal - su -username


What command i used to elevate your status, at command execution, to run a command as for for that command only? - Sudo


What file dictates what commands you can run, using the sudo command, from the account you are logged into? - sudoers


Which of the following is not an advantage of using Sudo? - Single point of failure if sudoers is compromised


Which of the following is not a development that have made password vaults almost a necessity? - Something physical is the answer


What specific command is one way of determining the ownership of a file? - ls -l


In what file are Group Identification Numbers (GIDs) mapped to groups? - /etc/group


Which of the following is not a restricted root operation? - Examples of restricted operations are

•  Changing the root directory of a process with chroot

•  Creating device files

•  Setting the system clock

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$ 20.00

[Solved] IT 340: Final Project | Complete Solution

  • This solution is not purchased yet.
  • Submitted On 22 Jun, 2024 05:06:01
Answer posted by
Online Tutor Profile
IT 340: Final Project | Complete Solution What is the boot loader used by most Linux systems today? - GRUB What file defines commands that are to be run when the system enters a run level? - /etc/inittab What mode may you enter to start-up the system manually if you encountered an error during a previous boot attempt? - Single user mode At what run level does x-windows normally run in? - Run Level 5 In which directory are the rclevel.d script directories stored? - init.d What command do you use to reboot a Linux system? - shutdown -r, but halt first What is not a recommended way to shutdown a L...
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