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Wildland Fire Exam With Complete Solutions

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Wildland Fire Exam With Complete Solutions

Wet bulb temperature is the same as dew point temperature. - False

_______ is the lowest temperature to which air can be cooled by evaporating water. - Wet bulb temperature

How does cloud cover affect the fire environment? - Cloud cover affects temperature and relative humidity by reflecting incoming sunlight during the day
During the day, cloud cover keeps temperature cooler and RH higher
At night, cloud cover keeps temperatures warmer and RH lower (clouds act as a blanket at night)
All of the above

True or False: Generally, warmer temperatures and lower RH values are found in the lower elevations and cooler temperatures and higher RH values are found at higher elevations. - True

True or False: North and northwest slopes are the most critical in terms of start and spread of wildland fires. - False

Aside from rapid uphill spread, another concern with steep slopes is the possibility of burning material __________ and ___________. - rolling down the hill and igniting fuel below the main fire

Fires starting in steep, narrow canyons can easily spread to fuels on the opposite side due to ____________ and ___________. - Radiant heat and spotting

True or False: Topographic influences on wildland fire behavior are much more difficult to predict than influences of fuel and weather. - False

A fire at the 0-5% slope range is primarily influenced by ___________ and ______________. - wind and fuel arrangement

Wind blowing through a _____________ or ______________ can increase in speed as it passes through the constricted area and spreads out on the downwind side. - Chute or saddle

What is aspect? - Cardinal direction toward which a slope faces

A small ridge which extends finger -lie from a main ridge is called a _____________. - Spur ridge

A(n) _____________ is a layer of very stable air that severely limits the upward movement of air. - Inversion

Which of the following are Stable Atmospheric Indicators? - Stratus clouds
Low fire intensity
All of the above
A(n) _____________ is an advantageous location, usually a barrier to fire spread, from which to start constructing a fireline. It is used to minimize the chance of being flanked by the fire while the line is being constructed. - Anchor point

What term describes the behavior of a fire spreading rapidly with a well-defined head? - Running

The entire outer edge or boundary of a fire is defined as __________. - Fire perimeter

What is a unit of measure popular in fire management, equal to 66 feet? - A chain

A long, narrow extension of a fire projecting from the main body is a __________. - Finger

What part of the fire is the most rapidly spreading portion of a fire's perimeter, usually to the leeward or upslope? - Head

What term describes a spinning vortex column of ascending hot air and gases rising from a fire and carrying aloft smoke, debris, and flame? - Fire whirl

What term describes a fire burning without presence of flame or direct flame and barely spreading? - Smoldering

What are the three methods of heat transfer? - Convection, Conduction, and Radiation

What are the three elements of the fire triangle? - Oxygen, Fuel, and Heat

Which fuel type is the primary carrier of fire once ignition has occurred? - Surface fuels

Houses, vehicles, and trash are examples of what fuel type? - Artificial

What fuel type consists of dead leaves, needles, and twigs on the forest floor? - Timber litter

The terms describing vertical fuel arrangement, from highest orientation to lowest, are: - Aerial fuels, ladder fuels, surface fuels, ground fuels

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$ 35.07

[Solved] Wildland Fire Exam With Complete Solutions

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  • Submitted On 06 Jun, 2024 08:12:11
Answer posted by
Online Tutor Profile
Wildland Fire Exam With Complete Solutions Wet bulb temperature is the same as dew point temperature. - False _______ is the lowest temperature to which air can be cooled by evaporating water. - Wet bulb temperature How does cloud cover affect the fire environment? - Cloud cover affects temperature and relative humidity by reflecting incoming sunlight during the day During the day, cloud cover keeps temperature cooler and RH higher At night, cloud cover keeps temperatures warmer and RH lower (clouds act as a blanket at night) All of the above True or False: Generally, warmer temperatures and lower RH values are found in the lower elevations and cooler temperatures and higher RH values are found at higher elevations. - True True or False: North and northwest slopes are the most critical in terms of start and spread of wildland fires. - False Aside from rapid uphill spread, another co...
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