NUR 155 Exam 1 2024 Full and Revised Study Guide With Satisfied Solutions
- From Health Care, Nursing
- Emmaculate
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NUR 155 Exam 1 2024 Full and Revised Study Guide With Satisfied Solutions
Psychological - The internal variable dimension that includes mind-body interactions like emotional responses to stress that affect body function. Self- Concept is another one.
Cognitive - The internal variable that includes lifestyle, which refers to general way of living for a person like their living conditions and patterns of behavior, which can be positive or negative.
Spiritual and religious beliefs like that Jehovah Witnesses oppose blood transfusions.
External variables - Variables Influencing Health Status, Beliefs, and Practices:
The type of variable that includes physical environment, standards of living, family and Cultural Beliefs, and social support networks.
Physical environment - External Variables/health Status, Beliefs, and Practices:
Radiation, chemicals used to control weeds and plant diseases, the greenhouse effect, x-ray, acid rain, ect...
Standards of living - External Variables/health Status, Beliefs, and Practices:
Occupation, income, and education, hygiene, food habits, and ability to seek healthcare advice.
Family and cultural beliefs - External Variables/health Status, Beliefs, and Practices:
Family passes on patterns of daily living and lifestyle to offspring. Once abused as a child man might grow up and abuse his own children.
Social support networks - External Variables/health Status, Beliefs, and Practices:
Having support from family, friends, or confidant along with job satisfaction helps people avoid illness.
Acute Illness - Characterized by severe symptoms of relatively short duration.
Symptoms appear abruptly and subside quickly
May or may not require health care intervention- ex. appendicitis requires surgical intervention, but colds subside without medical intervention or with help of over the counter meds.
Chronic Illness - Lasts for extended periods of time 6 months or longer and often for persons entire life.
Has slow onset
Periods of "remission" and "exacerbation"
Ex: heart and lung disease, diabetes mellitus.
Effects of illness - Privacy, Autonomy, Financial Burden, Changes in lifestyles.
Impact on the client - Effects of Illness: Who is impacted based on the information below?
Behavioral and emotional changes
Self concept and body image changes
Lifestyle changes
Impact on the Family - Effects of Illness: Who is impacted based on the information below?
Depends On: Member of the family who is ill
Seriousness and length of the illness
Cultural and social customs the family follows
Using silence - Therapeutic Communication Techniques:
Accepting pauses or sliences that may extend for several seconds or minutes without interjecting any verbal response
Providing general leads - Therapeutic Communication Techniques:
Using statements or questions that...
* encourage the client to verbalize
* choose a topic of conversation
* and facilitate continued verbalization
Being specific and tentative - Therapeutic Communication Techniques:
Making statements that are specific rather than general, and tentative rather than absolute
using open-ended questions - Therapeutic Communication Techniques:
Asking broad questions that lead or invite the client to explore (elaborate, clarify, describe, compare or illustrate) thoughts or feelings; invite answers that are longer than one or two words
using touch - Therapeutic Communication Techniques:
Providing appropriate forms of touch to reinforce caring feelings; be sensitive to differences in attitudes and practices of clients and self
restating or paraphrasing - Therapeutic Communication Techniques:
Actively listening for the client's basic message then repeating those thoughts and/or feelings in similar words
seeing clarification - Therapeutic Communication Techniques:
A method of making the client's broad overall meaning of the message more understandable; to clarify the message or confess confusion
perception checking or seeking consensual validation - Therapeutic Communication Techniques:
A method similar to clarifying that verifies the meaning of specific words rather than the overall meaning of a message
[Solved] NUR 155 Exam 1 2024 Full and Revised Study Guide With Satisfied Solutions
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- Submitted On 06 Jun, 2024 07:06:29
- Emmaculate
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