AAA Food Manager Certification Exam With 100% VERIFIED Questions And ANSWERS 2024
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AAA Food Manager Certification Exam With 100%
VERIFIED Questions And ANSWERS 2024
What should you do at work if you have a headache, cough, and a runny nose? - Go to work,
but stay away from all direct food handling activities.
The FDA has created a food defense program called A.L.E.R.T. What part of the program
includes paying attention to who is in the food facility and also conducting background
checks of employees during the hiring process? - Employees
Which of these is NOT a potential chemical hazard? - A. Storing chemicals separately from
b. Chemicals are being sprayed while food is out
c. Bleach accidentally splashes on cobbler
D. Employee is spraying table cleaner while customers are eating
a. storing chemicals separately from food
Which of these is NOT considered a potential physical hazard? - a. Pesticides
b. Hair falls in food
C. Nail chips and gets in pudding
d. Plastic gets in cobbler
a. pesticides
Pieces of glass and strands of hair are considered what type of hazard? - a. physical
b. chemical
c. cross contamination
d. biological
a. physical hazard
Which of the following is an example of a potential cross contamination? - 1. Cutting raw
chicken and then slicing melon on the same cutting board
2. Filleting fish with a knife and using the same one to cut chocolate cake
3. Storing raw and ready-to-eat foods on the same shelf
4. All of these
4. All of these
Which of these is an example of PHS/TCS foods - a. pizza
b. hamburger
c. tacos
d. all of these
D. All of these
Which of these is NOT a TCS food - a. fried chicken
b. uncooked rice
c. sliced melon
d. steak
b. Uncooked rice
Which of these is an example of ready-to-eat foods? - A. banana
b. apple
c. muffin
d. all of these
D. All of these
Which thermometer is the most widely used to take the internal temperature of food? -
Bimetallic thermometer
Which of the following is not one of the big 6? - Clostridium Botulinum
What is the correct temperature reading when calibrating a thermometer using the ice point
method? - 32 Degrees Farenheight
Raw food dripping onto ready to eat foods is an example of what hazard? - Cross
When should thermometers be re-calibrated? - 1. When they havent been used for a while
2. When recently dropped
3. when used the wrong way
4. All of these
What type of hazard are we avoiding when using different cutting boards when cutting raw
chicken and chopping raw vegetables? - Cross contamination
Finding ice crystals on a delivery of frozen foods is a sign of what? - time and temperature
upon delivery it is important to make sure cold, non-frozen foods such as raw meats are
received at what or colder? - 41 degrees F
upon delivery it is important to make sure hot foods such as soups or stews are received at
what or hotter? - 135 degrees F
Which is NOT a proper method for thawing frozen foods? - Leaving it out on the counter in
the kitchen
What is the minimum cooking temperature for ground beef? - 155 degrees F
When taking the temperature of a steak, where should you insert the thermometer? - In the
thickest part
What minimum temperature should pork be cooked at? - 145 degrees F
Failing to cook chicken to an internal temperature of 165 degrees F is what type of hazard? -
Biological hazard
Which of these examples is improper when serving food? - a. using tongs to serve ready-toeat foods
b. holding the dishes from the bottom
c. using the same utensil for different kinds of foods
d. holding utensils by the handle
C. Using the same utensil for different kinds of foods
What is the maximum amount of TOTAL time foods can be in the danger zone? - a. 2 hours
b. 3 hours
c. 4 hours
d. 6 hours
c. 4 Hours
[Solved] AAA Food Manager Certification Exam With 100% VERIFIED Questions And ANSWERS 2024
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- Submitted On 06 Jun, 2024 08:49:30
- Emmaculate
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